cause lately we've

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Amirah Aytie Atiqah A. Fatiha Fiany

Suliana Syazrin Hyrah Raidah

Dzul's Peekchures!

February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009



Now, I would gladly appreciate if you kept this section untouched. We all like honest people now, don't we.
layout tm / dd

2/29/2008 11:48:00 PM
heyy guys,
so today was another day. as usual.ouhh and game...dint play.
fuck la.

den at least journey home was nice.sampai pasiris bukak api.

den now im trying to play BFMV as in acoust n chords.ok la.

hvnt eaten dinner actualy. but just dont feel like eating.quite d moody n d emo ah.

yea i knwo its dumb.shud enjoy blablabla.

but lets face reality.i dont wna run away from whats happening and have a fcuking time of my life just because a part of it aint tt smooth...getting stuck on one bad habit is enough.i dont need more to fuck my life up.last year was bad enough. As i fucked around having fun, my grades took a deep dive too.i dotn wna end like that this year.

n gosh.who's ok...honestly no im not. but what good is it to say the truth.wont change anything.just say okay...then somehow work towards okay.....

n i wonder how dzul will do tmr....

n i wonder what d fcuk d othr mtf is doing.

both i msg nvr reply.cb hahaha

ala fuck la....sleep d glooms away tata


Stabucks Coffee
2/29/2008 07:57:00 PM
I didn;t go to school today
After Solat
I went to meet Abby and Anni at Starbucks
We were supposed to do work
I did Anni's science worksheet
We crapped
Then saw Rin
Then at about 6 Azzi came
Kewl names huh
Then went to buy mcflurry
Went home
Temaned Anni to interchange


2/28/2008 10:01:00 PM
pheww today was a long day.but at least it wasnt bad.
after school had math remedial.went fine.OUH and i dint know i had history cct today until like in the morning.but it also went fine.hoping to get L4 babehh. got back hmt paper.was fine too.
the anfter math i went to tampines to get my chickies.(lol mcm phm)

den i saw dzul playing at the steps.hahaha.went back tgthr...then lepak with sif and dzul n den atiqah joined us... gerek jgak.police car was patrolling and it was a bloody close call.

fun ahh...

you know in life, some things just dont go your way. I dont know, for the better or werse. Even if the thing is something you treasure most and i dont know...everything is dedicated to it?but yeaa....maybe you just hafta be satisfied and content, knowing that some things , you just cannot get. i dont know, would you call that giving up? i mean...actually i dont know. aww damn...i just feel like story's going to stray....and its going to end....not a happily-ever-after also...well...gulp it down...

makin hanyut sia aku ni mcm.naseb baek korang back aku.byk jgak org back aku.

what else to write ahh.
ouhh sometimes when i think right...then i realise that FCUK were 15.i mean 3 years and we'll be in NS.and like 3 years is fast i mean looking back from sec 1-3.isnt it fast? then after NS maybe study (depends ah on ure choices) for another 2-3 fr anth year or two...ttll be the least...another three years...den settle down.i mean wOAAAhhh sometimes i dont feel like growing up.haha.imagiine dzul as a dad.damn ttll be funny.

and sif, jgn takot ah.mcm apape kitorng ada.

what else ahh...ouh tomorrow have game...i want to play all out.been awhile.dont want people to treat me like a pushover.mtfs.

alright then...tomorrow's a friday.REJOICE

ouhh emo gna come up with alot of lame cliched and lame emo phrases.

"Everytime i look at the stars, it reminds me of you. So beautiful, but yet i know i can never reach em"





2/27/2008 10:48:00 PM
Fuck siak.
So irritating
So late at night ask me fix some plug shit
Kalau aku paham takpe juga.
Heck ah
Aku nak Saturday datang
Jadi boleh kerja
Abe the flows come
Fuck bowdow.
Irritating gila siak


2/27/2008 09:39:00 PM
eh korang post ahh...aku jek nnti org muak.tapi aku nk post.psal nari pehh day fucked up.

ok so as mentioned, today fucked up. day was okay except i was fucking sleepy in the mornin. School was quite slack. it went all fine till training. it was a short training and we had a team run.i was defending against the first team. i played only grabbed their teeshirts, didnt contest rucks...this was beacause we have a game tomorrow and i dont want injuries. but fuck people JUST had to piss me off. A guy in the first team had a run with the ball n i was infront of him and i just grabbed him but fuck he had to hand me off...okaaaaay fiiine it hurt and he should know that i wasnt going all out but okaaaaay rugby is rough ok fiiine that was okay....then there was a ruck.i did not contest it.just stood there....then a guy from my side said, " You either go in or dont go in at all. Coz if you just stand there its fucking irritating."motherfucker. So i contested the rucks and tried a few jackals...then at one ruck, a first team player said to me, "what's your problem?" pointing out that i shouldnt play so hard. so fuck who do i follow...
that already got me pissed off.

and it didnt get any better.

orang yg tk masok team pasal aku irritating sia.perangai fuck pehh charac.evry training dier bbual mcm big fuck.mcm " eh coach ckp aku tkd problem excpt tackling.yg laen sumer awesome." and "ahmad, aku rasa aku lebih bagus dari ko.aku disappointed aku tk masok team."
irritating siaa.aku sendiri fikir aku kental nk mampos.especially compared to d first team.abehh kalo ko bagos sgt cume one aspect jek tak bagos abehh asal ko tk masok team?kiymak aku tak kesah kalo ko pikir ko gler bagos.but please dont pull me into the picture.ive got enough shit to handle.

bus ride wasnt any good either.fucking man.40+ wna find fault.i didnt sit down den he got pissed den kept staring.den wen my knee accidentally hit him he look at me like wna other business.naseb ah sia mmg salah aku.

den went to minimart(by tis time cool down oredy) but fuck.... dong pei da tk jual la sia.just thot wna slack alone watch d moon n chill.but sadly....

ok thats that then.idk wat i wna do tomrow.i hope hadi's ship comes in kinda in a need.


Jam oi.
2/27/2008 09:15:00 PM
Today is my first fucking time jamming as a whole band.
Vox sucks though.
But heck, drums, bass & guitars already enough.
16bucks, worth the price :D
Anywho, Drone's (Rise Against) fun to play.
Looking forward to completing Hell Song (Sum 41) and something else as a whole.
Once you start, you can't stop.
Unlike ciggys beb.
Look at the brighter side, we're using our money for a sensible reason, rather like AHMAD.
Had a fucking headache after that.
God know's how I was diagnosed with it.


2/26/2008 10:10:00 PM
can someone pro please teach me how to write.i suck at it.but somehow i like doing it.u cant like tell anyone everything about you.BUt you can pen it down.

confused sia. sadly, life isnt black and white. not like MCQs or... even open ended questions. coz you can study for them.BUt how d fuck do you study for life?

looking at those sec 1s, and primary school students....such fun.n so carefree.fucking's like a breeze.soo easy that i had to search for trouble. trouble just comes down like raindrops.even if you havnt solved one, other problems just keeps coming down.

to lighten up....
haemoglobin(or sth liddat)
its a scientific term for mutated goblins whic are homosexual that carry oxygen on humps on their back



baa baa black sheep.
2/25/2008 11:32:00 PM
hello people.
hey you wanna know who's the biggest bitcha round?(i mean WHAT is the biggest bitch around?)
my computer.its been acting a hell lot werse than any son could ever be. every time i want to use, give me problem.motherfucking hell..fuck the bloody virus.and ive been trying to use it since what?10.30?n now then i get access,\.fucked up.n i had to use IE instead of firefox coz it wudnt start.n it doesnt have an email history for this account so i went guessing whether its or .wahh fuck.

n dzul.a bloody highfive to you man. A shiet monday to start the week. yay.
Unlike hasif, school is probably the last thing on my mind now.FUCK it la.IVe just flunk my math CCT today.

" He sat all alone by the seemingly vast and neverending field. It was ghastly. Even the trees were'nt as noisy as they should be.At times and short intervals, the wind blew at his face. 'The Scientist' kept him company as he lit one up. He took a long drag and blew it all out, covering his face in distress.Words raced through his mind. He contemplated on whether he should stay, guessed whether she still does, and grieved on what he had and what he lost. His grief was silent. For him, tears never fall and his innver voice never heard of. He wished God could tell him the answers but God never answered him. Those questions were supposedly destined for him to answer, but the war between his heart and mind, feelings and logic, can never change the inevitable. It was useless. Crying was useless. Talking and confiding was useless too. He was like a plank on the ocean, carried by the waves and the strong currents would drown him only to make him suffer but then he would surface up just to get his breath for a second. Why would'nt the currents just drown him all the to the bottom of the sea?He came to the realisation that he half a pack was finished and butts were scattered on the floor. He did'nt care for he wanted it to happen.He was too afraid to jump downa building or shoot himself in the head. The suicide he was commiting was silent but little did he know that it was a slow and painful one. But he knew it meant death. And he knew that with every puff he took, it took away his life."

yay done.just a short prose.

omg now im sleepy.hope tmr i can use the comp so i can post somemore.



2/25/2008 10:35:00 PM
After a whole fucking endearing week.
I got to spend at least a moment of my fucked up life with her.
At last.
How serene. (not, actually)
How, IDK.
Anywho, starting from next week, life's gonna be hectic as per norm.
Dragon Boating, IMT(Live Range), March Camp(WOOHOO) & kayaking.
Prepare to face a darker & fitter me.
Well, I'm just left with this final sentence.
FUCK NCC, but oh well. Gives me the kick though.
I'd rather floorball you know.


Let's spend the day under the sun, for now.

2/25/2008 06:37:00 PM
So fucking annoying siak
Today wasn;t sucha a good day
It ended really bad actually
when all was going fine

When I tell you or confess my feelings for you
You keep it to yourself
But if you so can;t keep it in
Tell it to people
Near and dear to your heart
Who would keep their mouth shut
But no
You had to tell lotsa people(Note.I didn't use everyone)
And some of them were those
petty loudmouths
who had to tell the whole of macs
Kudos lah eh
and thanks for ruining what seemed to be a
Good Monday



2/24/2008 11:14:00 PM
I have finally decided on my tt01
SOme might think
Tak habis siak kau Dzul
At least I didn;t think about buying a cyclone
I want next weekend to come
The kechings will come


Soooo random
2/24/2008 09:46:00 AM
Yesterday's post was fucking random.
God knows what the fuck I was up to.
Anyway, I had a really rough week.
Common tests and all.
Now, NCC's gonna take a toll on me. Fuck.
Why did I even join it in the first place.
Dzul's supposedly to call me now, or text.
Meh, I think he's still asleep, dreaming bout his RC's.


I just want you to know that even how hard it is for me, I'll make it happen.

2/21/2008 10:37:00 PM
I think
If I wanted to take up RC
It would killme
At the start la
But when I get RTR
I oke already
Hop ups can slowly up kan la eh
Haisf ada common testies
COmmon testtakde masauntuk aku
Hantar gambar oun takle
AKu lancap kat muka kau
Imagine someone wanking to guitar hero
That'd be sick
and I wanna sk somethinkg
Better get basic car and hop up
Or moreadvanced car
Price range lain about...

fuck laaaa
2/20/2008 09:41:00 PM
yoyo...loop de loop.
i was waiting for the other two sonofobotchos to post.but they didnt.sif prolly die already.and dzul,,,, hes d toilet doing his thing lol jkjk.

tues i had a game against northbrooks.scored one only though we nearly caped them. Im supposed to be the worker and not the thats why i only scored one.i mean northbrooks sia.those finishers scored a gazellion tries. too bad thats not my job. though im still no good.need to tackle n jackal more more moremoremore.

northbrooks damn style. i recognize some of em. hahaha some came with tribal necklaces stare2.wahh fierce sia.tts d way guys.. shrink my balls.hahaa.but d turn off was wen they played, they wear sembarang u cud see some wearing black...some yellow as in shining yellow.wahh...glam sia.den ouhh yar i tink i either broke or fractured someones ankle.coz tis big guy was running.i tackled him but wen i got up, i accidentaly stepped on someone's leg...den i heard someting like snap.then after everyone cleared that area, he cudnt get up n den some ppl had to carry was actually quite scary coz i felt d "KE-LE-TEK" sound(snap sound)...

on fri is pierce.lookin frwrd.lastyme i met tem was in sec 1.n i saw d fullback a few times already.hope can play...if my knee gets well

its an old problem...old injury...i think i got in from biking.then wen i did squats, it got werse...n now twisted alil bit oni sure sprain or sth. idiot siaaa....


2/18/2008 10:26:00 PM
*&^*&@%^#$@*&$%@#&$%#&$%@&# -spewing expletives

Tomorrow - Eng, Malay & E maths(prepare to fail)
Wed - Phy(Sci) & Geog Elec (abit of hope here)
Thurs - A maths & S.S. (almost no hope)
Fri - D&T & Chem(Sci) (can do. :D )

So you see, this week, is actually rather, &@(*#$@#*&$^*@&#$
Buhbye guys. See you around after friday.
Then I'll be enjoying life as usual.

2/18/2008 05:00:00 PM
Sitting at home sucks
Its boring
But hey
At least no need sit all those suck up gaji buta teachers right
And I want 500 bucks
I know you other 2 fuckers are thinking
What a waste of money
That;s what you think


yesterday laaaaaa
2/17/2008 07:41:00 PM
hello people.
since the other two buggers haven't posted anything on yesterday, i think id just do it XD (eh u all post pic.coz i wnt d pics)
also, pardon the worst linguist among the three and also the werst speller(see?'werst' and 'speller') if by the end of this post you dont understand anything or you end up sleeping after reading only a quarter of the post.

ok so finally my comp and I are both fully functional.

yesterday me, hasif , dzul, and atiqah went out.
First me and dzul went to tamp mart.Then we met hasif and followed him home to play guitarhero. Then after playing shit, we met Atiqah at central(pasir ris central(the marketplace there)). Then we headed to interchange and went straight to Bugis. From Bugis we walked to Tai Sing Corp where dzul met his newfound love. He got her name and EXAMINED her too. At first i went in to browse the shop.Found some cool antique car displays....and watched a really interesting RC video ;)
den i headed out to wait for dzul for about another ...10 mins? That was when hasif started flashing his camera around.muahaha.a bliddy camwhore he is.LOLS.

Then we went to HajiLane.walked through it and enjoyed the street(wtf?)we also enjoyed the murals.Then me n dzul found a swing like thing and we sat there while Hasif sent Atiqah off.Then hasif dzul n me headed to Heeren to get Hasif's disc at HMV.sadly, after browsing updownrightleftinsideout, he couldnt find it(WE couldnt).So we headed back to Far East to eat.there, i spent quite a fair deal of cash on LUNCH.Or was it dinner?Yes dinner.And then we went to 7 11.I stayed outside to enjoy my **** while the other two went in to get a drink.They bought a super big gulp after MUCH consideration of cents....and then we all realised that our stomachs couldnt take in anymore.However, as usual, we did finish it. :)

Then we went to Citylink, where hasif got his cd.however, after dinner, he was short of three we went walking to dont knwo where and to the toilet where i relieved myself(pissed).Then we realised that dzul had 2.30 more and i had 70cents it made three bucks and we had to walk back to get the Cd. On the way there, we met qilah n qilah n qilah's sister n qilah's fren. N i jumped like a bloody retard coz of something that happened much earlier that was quite funny.or weird.(wtf/??)

Then we headed outside n just lepaked and Atiqah came and we headed home at around 10?hah that was saddening.reach pasir ris we went macs and den took bus home.ahh fuck so ...long.lols

today was agin another day.not boring not interesting.

You know what's weird?
Listening to a sad song and feeling sad coz the song is sad
and listening to a sad song and feeling sad coz it has significance.

its like both sad but both...different.not only varying in degrees but a diffrent thing altogether.
LOL im random

and yes yes hasif intro-ed the song and artiste to me XD

I swear that you dont have to go
I thought we could wait for the fireworks
I thought we could wait for the snow, to wash over Georgia and kill the hurt
I thought I could live in your arms
and spend every moment I have with you
stay up all night with the stars
confess all the faith that I had in you
I had in you

Too late, im sure and lonely
Another night, another dream wasted on you
Just be here now against me
You know the words, so sing along for me baby
For heavens sake I know you're sorry
but you won't stop crying
This anniversary may never be the same
Inside I hope you know im dying, with my heart beside me
in shattered pieces that may never be replaced
and if I died right now, you'd never be the same

I thought with a month of apart, together would find us an opening
and moonlight would provide the spark
and that i would stumble across the key, or break down the door to your heart
Forever could see us not you and me
and you'd help me out of the dark
and id give my heart as an offering

Too late, im sure and lonely
Another night, another dream wasted on you
Just be here now against me
You know the words, so sing along for me baby
For heavens sake I know you're sorry
but you won't stop crying
This anniversary may never be the same
Inside I hope you know im dying, with my heart beside me
in shattered pieces that may never be replaced
and if I died right now, you'd never be the same

and I will always remember you as you are right now to me
and I will always remember you now
remember you now

So sleep alone tonight
with no one here just by your side
sleep alone tonight
how does he feel how does he kiss
how does he taste while hes on your lips
I cant forget you
I know you want me to want you
i want to
But i cant forget you
so when this is over dont blow your composure baby

I cant forget you
I know you want me to want you
I want to...

alrighty then.tataa


2/17/2008 01:10:00 AM
fuck then my comp can work.tried a gazellion times.
and im sleepy now.
but i had fun today at least.
and i miss someone.

and it always comes with alot of issues.


2/16/2008 11:32:00 PM
fuck lah.
just about to post & dad's being the dog.

2/14/2008 09:22:00 PM
yay.nth serious.and as i guessed.prepaid low.

ouhyar forgot to say how i was a fool on vdae.took fauzan's A3 size paper which he wrote I <3 YOU (will you be mine?) all the way home.LOLS had fun placing it on d bus window.lols the reaction of people.some pretended they didnt see.some looked annoyed too XD.
lols it was dumb but it was cheap thrills.a fren did it on some rj couples...n ironically, d gerls ignored while the boys were the ones hu smiled. -.-

n anthr fren did a dare and kneeled in front of an RJ gerl and showed d piece of paper.HOH.dengs.

ehh so vdae is over.lols.

as im typing tis, im also trying to pop something that looks like a growth or pimple on my toe that is full of blood and pus.


2/14/2008 08:14:00 PM
hello people
hello dzul.
ala dzul chill ah. Maybe some of us know how you feel.maybe not coz everyone's different.
and the thing is....ko penah realise?that even if girls come and go, and no matter how fcuked up we are to each other, kitorang slalu stick. fcuk yea ive been fed up at u all at times. n i think u all have had those moments too. But wtf next day member balek hard feelings. n fcuk vdae aint for ure gerlfren onli.SPREAD D LOVE. so both of u mtfckers, tc baek2. jiwa sampai mampos.

today valentine's was a mtrfcker.yes it sure was one.i spent my vdae with dzul lepak-ing in pasir guitar...or else it wudve been an emo slashfest XD. sad la sia. Not because i dont have a date.i dont give a fuck about that.It's cause we're still talking like we're into each other. and truthfully, i am. But for the last two nights she hasnt sent me one message.I know for this week ive always been replying to her messages late at night when she's probably asleep. But its coz i reach home at 11 and even if im home earlier, my mum will hog the phone. Im still sorry for that though. Today i borrowed a friend's phone to send her a message. wanted to send another but another friend wouldnt lend his phone.and hell wud u borrow from the same friend again?no right. i just hope its nothing much. Like maybe her prepaid is low. or something. I heard shes okay though.n she hasnt been online too.maybe bz with papers. ah just hope shes fine.

n yes i do care about you. its no cliche cause you really are always on my mind. n my mind doesnt even think about giving up on you, coz it never works. Coz somehow you've always lit up the way for me. Even showed me that life is colourful and you proved it with your smile, ure cheerfulness, n the way u care. (I know i shouldnt say this on a shared blog but for once only) I think i really love you.Happy Valentine's Day. May you have the best life one could ever wish for.

ha sorry people.n sorry sif and dzul i knwo its emo n shiet n it only deserves to be on my own blog but ive stopped blogging there.and its vdae... ;)



2/13/2008 09:37:00 PM
When I see your smile
Tears roll down my face
I can't replace
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Cuz you're my, you're my, my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay woah, stay woah

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

The second last verse has meaning.
Deep meanings
I sound emoshit and all
No valentines for me
I have no chance


2/13/2008 04:31:00 PM
today i didnt go to school.
i couldnt wake up.Actually i could...But at the state that i was at, i thought to myself, " I surely cant fucking last the whole day.Plus, there's training today." so i just slept and muttered shiet to my parents who were asking again and again why i didnt want to go to school. Ouh their assumptions are fucking funny. One is i haven't done my homework. Why would i not go to school if i hvnt done my hwk?just go la.and furthermore i did that the previous night.another assumption was i hated something on wednesdays(eg class,training) and that is why EVERY wednesday i wouldnt wna go to school. damn, so far this year, I've only not gone to school twice.ok that may sound extravagant to some of you but its much better compared to last year.

OUHOUH.who has something on tomorrow?lols im so kpo. no la.coz i dont think i have anything on....and so, i think listening to people talk about THEIR vdae would be interesting enough. Imagine myself going home all alone and looking at all the couples together and the guys giving gifts to their girls.and then i go home and sing to myself. gee im such a loser. Im not sure either. Im out of contact.yesterday me n her didnt talk. ala fcuk la.Cant be THAT bad. ill just...have fun lorrr...

Then just now i went to fix my body la.went to a traditional massage.It was damn painful(prolly coz its my ferst tyme there).no i mean it IS damn still is now. and there was one spot the guy pressed. somewhre on my left ribcage n it HURT LIKE FCUK.till now.n wen he pressed that spot, i couldnt breathe. and he could still ask me " pain anot?" after that he said softly, "heavy smoker. paru-parub tak kuat." geee. that was quite.....magical aint it. nothing else to write about..


ahmad korang due ada plan eh vdae?

One more week.
2/12/2008 10:08:00 PM
Common test in one more week.
Two more days.
One more day.
Seems like time's passing real fast.
Life is filled with up's and down's.
What to do? It's all in the hands of GOD.
Heh. MAD & DZUL. This weekend I wanna go town, no matter what the fuck.
Gotta sightsee, or wait, just spend some quality time.
Boom, it's February already.
01.01.08 felt like yesterday.
See youh.



2/10/2008 08:32:00 PM
today i come up here as a friend..and as the ahmad of block 233.I come up here....not knowing what to post i shall just type random.

tomorrow is the start of school.i was wandering off to March holidays. But between that and now, i might have to struggle like a fish out of water.n OH EFF i just realised ive got tests comin up.shiet. ok so what else should i write about.

ok just now lepak with hasif was boring as fuck.but thru the dae was werse. GIAN. translate that. Yes i was like sick.... then after lepak okay already.hmm wonder why...

then....i need buy 'tops'. I dint have an idea on what exactly to get.But now i do. so cash PLEAAAASE.

what else...tomorrow school la fcuk.ala heck ah.err,tomorrow i wonder if have training.i hope i get to play ACS international. i haven't got the taste of kicking/stepping/punching/stomping aka killing an acs player.Last year i didnt play cause of a bliddy fracture. I wonder if the international schools wud be AngMohs.lols.that wud be even funnier...coz theyre so exagerated sometimes that its like a comedy and not a game.whining and whining like a bitch. etc...

I cannot make up my mind coz they cannot make up theirs.

one has. but what should i do then?
LOLS im an idiot i swear.

Aiya fuck that la.think of other stuff first.

no other stuff.bye bye.


2/10/2008 08:11:00 PM
I went fishing with dad and mum just now
It was dope
the second time fishing
it was at bedok jetty
For the fucktards who are thinking
Its called Bedok Jetty but it;s at East Coast
I tell you it was awesome
Eventhough the fishes weren;t big
there were plenty
We fished for Ikan Tamban
Don;t ask me for English translations
i don;t fucking no either
I caught 30 fishes
(Excluding the 1 which I gave this cannot-stop-meowing cat)
There was one chincharu and 2 don;t know what
so there were 27 ikan tambans
All in a days work people
all in a days work
Takble angkat sia


2/09/2008 11:34:00 PM
Today I went out with sissy no 1
The oldest one laaaa
We went to orchard
to wisma and paragon and centrepoint and cathay and taka
And ulang alik unlang alik
And had mini barbeque outside
At the 'backyard'


i take arial
2/09/2008 11:31:00 PM
okay lah i take the font 'arial'.eee im gonna have to stop typing like that<<<<.Its bloody stiff.
Today was a hell of a bore. Morning lepak with fahmee n man all n then i headed to training.After training went to eat.then made an appointment with hasif to meet under his block at 9.reached there at i waited.but hell he did'nt come down at 9.Knowing him , i decided to wait till 9.15 but he still did'nt came down.I waited till 9.30 and i went home.could've slept could've bathed but waited for a homosapien who didnt even turn up.hasif,when i meet you ill hang your balls on your window n turn ure head 520.79 degrees clockwise.ok done.


2/09/2008 09:51:00 PM
Blank blank blank.
Why did I even post?
Very rhetorical.
(this is in trebuchet, bitches. meaning it's hasif.)

2/08/2008 08:37:00 PM
Since Ahamd talked about lepaking just now.
I shall not talk about it
Imma change what I say
I don;t wanna steal Hasifs girlfriend

coz I really like that girl from school
I think i have the habit of saying
No need to know the meaning

And if you need spice in life.
Get a stalker girlfie
Got spice one
Fer shizz

oi oi oi
2/08/2008 07:31:00 PM
yo kawan2.
lols.hey frens.
today seemed to be another day.well, just lepak with hasif and dzul and arif den play soccer den arif go home.then we met fahmee n den we chiao.n den we just lepak.n now the other to boinkers are at dzul's place.n im stuck at home.

my dad said i couldnt go out.but i did, hoping my sis would help me cover up n tell him i was playing soccer downstairs.but hell she didnt.she told my dad she didnt know where i went.fcuk shiet.he pleaded me to not go a great sister i have there.i guess she's too young to take initiative. okaay maybe some of you think its not a good thing if my sister takes initiative to liee.but get real.who between us doesnt lie?n who has never covered up for a sibling?if u have never...den ure sibling must probably hate you for that.

so dk has a money problem note i didnt say financial problem.hehe.workwork.tpi beb jgn luper tu O level ;) but gee sometimes i respect these think they love working n studying?hell no.but it is to get what they kudos.

oraite...nothing more to say.cheers!

ps.I neeeed some spice in my life.

Belah pepek
2/08/2008 11:05:00 AM
I think my profile picture is dope
Doncha think so
Rambut belah pepek
Im bored
I need money
And the aroma of kurma and dhalcha
And I don;t know the other thing is tingling my nose
Im off to eat


me la me.
2/07/2008 10:52:00 PM
Im Ahmad.The last one.
Yes Im the hairiest one.But that aside, I'm also the fiercest one.
cheyy like Im the nicest one.haha.


2/07/2008 10:24:00 PM
Im Dzul
The youngest one
Theres another
The hairiest one
I plan to steal Hasifs girlfriend:)

Hey oh yo.
2/07/2008 09:41:00 PM
This is hasif.
There's two more.
(and I'm the oldest, most attractive one too.)