cause lately we've

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Amirah Aytie Atiqah A. Fatiha Fiany

Suliana Syazrin Hyrah Raidah

Dzul's Peekchures!

February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009



Now, I would gladly appreciate if you kept this section untouched. We all like honest people now, don't we.
layout tm / dd


3/31/2008 09:19:00 PM
I really think that this blog's pointless, though I made it so that we'll keep in touch better.

3/27/2008 09:51:00 PM
what is this.
anyway. busy now.
watch this space I tell you.



3/26/2008 08:33:00 PM
i bet you guys are sick of A.M.but WAIT. without me, the cheerleader wont be saved and then hiro nakamura will evolve into godzilla mutated with king kong and will eat the world up.ok so now i spilled the spoilers for season 3.NOT.

you know why they stopped at halfway season 2?its coz tere was a writer's strike. saying teyre not getting aid enuff and so tey stopped writing.n so were just gonna get the image of sylar injecting himself as an ending. WTF maybe kurt cobain put drugs in tere and sylar will just end up being high and being a drug addict.or maybe sylar gets his powers back and uses it for good and work at Macs and make their service faster, thus lessen the price NOT.

ok so today i was sposed to meet hanis. but well tak jadi. nvm that. actually quite affected haha but ssshhh nth goes to plan.

what?you're not happy with that?u dont like junkies?ill kill that was random. at last i met faiz, an old schmate and lepaked with him.waited for hm for abt an hour tho.fucking hell i slept at the playground siaa.

yeaa and sif hush abt the matau.or wtv siket jek.

ala tkp ah...
listen to this story...
no lunch and dinner for three days, hours of thinking n thinking n deciding, nearly loaned cash, three bottoms to match.
its not just a meeting. i wanted to make it special for you.

eh fag la sth wrng wit d bold and italic tingy.

crap it ahh.ill just type.biar uh.
ala aku tk thn ah,mau lpak dlu.slmts guys.adioz amigoz aku beramboz



3/21/2008 08:31:00 PM

just now i finished my last pack.n ive made a vow to realy commit to quitting. and ive found a reason.lame one...and u may find it quite minor...but to me its like one of the strong reasons...n ive told some of my frens too.if i wna buy another pack, remind me the reason(not that i forget but urges can be strong). n only if sth really bad happens then im allowed a prolly parents fight? yeaa.reason?what issit? haha you know the promises you make at one point of your life(for a girl perhaps?) that you will always be by her side? if i smoke and lets just say IF i get some...disease...then i wudnt be there...

ok drop tt subject...

just now was a fun day....till my dad msged me asking when im arriving.i said i teman alimi to bishan and the go home and that IS TRUE. den he replied asking for alimi's num coz he wants to call him.(to make sure) wtf.alimi happened to see and he said no no dont give. doesnt dad realise that not everyone is okay with him invading their privacy just to check on his son.cant he trust me.knnbccb. fuck him.its fucking irritating i swear,fucking irritating. hvnt tokd to him since i came home. sometimes im not even sure whether i shud be like now nice to him and follow and repl to his msgs or just ignore like last time.

ehh watsup with the skin man?chge oredy...ashley tisdale?muahahaha.err....meg ryan.hahahaha.
or...alot more sia have.

ehh go listen to between the trees. n tere are songs i want tt i cant get.liars academy, gameface, the reputation? anyone has any?



3/19/2008 09:35:00 PM
I felt quite motivated to post when I read Ahmad's.
But now i realise how it actually feels.
I'm actually too lazy to post, yeah.
Lotta things up in my head but I just can't put it in words here.
One thing that's for sure is, I miss you badly.
I've not seen you after school since Monday yo.
That sucks.
I understand though, knowing you're down with fever & cough & so.
Can't help it you know, you're there resting at home & I can't do shit.
Words don't make a difference as you may know.
If only I could express my heartfelt feelings sincerely, but hell, that's not even possible.

today sucked (abit though).
IMT sucked.
And the rest is mainly, umm. Actually not really.
It's just the same old thing over & over again. Nothing special.
See you guys on Sat/Sun bebxzxz.


What I really meant was, I love you.


3/18/2008 09:52:00 PM
okay since no one post so i post.
just now lepaked with dzul.gerek jugak ah. (ehh fri ajak aku p tu tmpt)
talked alot of sensible stuff(somethng we dont usually do)
but you know usually when were inn pairs we talk more...personal, stuff..not that we dont if were in threes but its like we talk more about personal stuff wen we in in whether me n sif, me n dzul or i tink even both of em...but just now was like talk more about normal everyday stuff.n dint talk cock either so was actually quite different.

omg my term assignment due tomorrow.n i havent even read the article. and i dont even feel like doing it.its okay.ill try do it in my comp.and write it down and if no one can print it for me by tomorrow, ill show my handwritten piece and tell me maam my comp kayxiao.

you know sometimes i wonder how like girls tell you when a guy asks for intro tt kinda crap but guys usually keep it down.

like for example you and your ex stilll talk den she tells u about guys who ask intro and all.den you keep quiet like as if ure not talking with any friends. i mean not that you're intrested or in hot stones with any of those female friends.u're still madly into ure ex yea.but yea somehow u just keep quiet.what u all tink siaa?

ouhh i love the feel of the first it feels like d back two blades gna break.but aftr awhile used to it.

im sick.weird sick.dzul says its fine...but dont feel right.nvm ahh.sometimes u get gut feelings that actually never paranoiea or sth.

da uh.nothing else to write about i guess.byee


How unexpected
3/11/2008 11:02:00 PM
Bro got me this Everlast high cut just now.
If that's the case, I'll be looking forward to the time he invites me out.
There's still two shirts, one jeans & a bag.
Yeap. Anywho, this week's tight.
Didn't expect this, but after taking down notes, I realised I don't have much time to relax.
Fuck this one week hols. It ain't even considered a holiday.


3/11/2008 07:29:00 PM
heyyo bitches.
whats up with you two mofos. leave me for few days.weekend plak tu.cb.
just heard got accident and got dead pasir ris.

gee reminds me.i wna ride.No not that ride u dumbass.its riding a motorcycle.dang...



3/10/2008 09:27:00 PM
Back from camp.
Yeah, finally.

Camp was okay. At least I showed my true colours, but you see, I ain't no sadist like people thought. I'm not as heartless as you think. Yeah.
Anywho, I had only like, 5 hours of sleep in total? Really bad. Was fucking tired for the 2nd and 3rd day.
Dammit. Life is really fucked up. Here are the hols yet people are busy and all.
My dad's another reason. I fucking just got home then he started blabbering. -middle finger
I can't even get my peace of mind. Fucking hell. So bloody tired still wanna irritate me.
Still, I'm here at home when I'm supposed to be at school.
Eh, I'm fucking tired la, still expect me to go for some MT trip.
Anyway, I'm just pretty curious now.
Unexpected things occur regularly. And I hate it. Though it's just the first day of the week, I doubt I'm gonna have a smooth week. It's all in the mind.
And I can see through it clearly. For what's going to happen and all.
Can someone just tell me not to worry about anything that's going to happen?
Can someone tell me what's wrong with my life?
May seem abit too exaggerated but, I'm honestly speaking right here, right now.
And I think I'll just have to wait and see what's up for me.



3/07/2008 11:45:00 PM
heyya guys.
actually i had alot to write but after so many interruptions, ive lost all the ideas.
im sleepy too but not planning to sleep...or at least not planning to sleep early.

hope tomorrow when hasif goes to school, he dies. idk. maybe his sir ask him to drop 500 at one go or sth..n i wonder if the communist oso hav camp.hope not.ouh but fuck tmr he hav werk.geee.nmpknye aku kluar sorang.thot of going to the beach.dang.aiya can la.or i go out idk penin or sth.coz my ezlink just got it back oso no value.yeaa.

rokok?ye laa...ouhh ko plan btol2 nk quit?bagus ahh.tapi kene BIAR BETUL.bkan the ssceptic(sp?) biar betul but d literal meaning.nk quit jgn tunggu. cold turkey is d best way.aku tkd inspiration nk quit. bkannye ckp kene tunggu inspiration to save my own life.tapi at d moment kalo aku effed up upside down insideout round n round aku amek tu yea.aku at d mmt not sure apa nk buat kalo mcm tkd and if i nd it.hmmms yeaa.

kiymak aku nk minom kopi.n yeaa traditional aku mcm pakcik2,kopi + asap. ehhh gerek


Camp till Monday.
3/07/2008 10:33:00 PM
Eh, mane Dzul?
I miss him la.
Anywho, I miss her more.
Today's jamming was great.
Drones, almost perfect. Meant to live, hmmm, somewhere there. The Theft's next. :) By Atreyu.
Man, I feel like picking up drums. & I wanna join an Intermediate guitar class, if there's any.
I don't know how to improve from my spot right now. Dammit.
& my camp's in like 8 friggin hours.
Wooooooo. Wish me good luck eh. Hope nothing screws up & everything goes as planned.
Imma turn in now.
Have to reach school at freaking 7am.


IloveyoulaAnisa. Alot.


3/06/2008 09:25:00 PM
heyya ppl.
today was a so so day.
at least ive bought my slippers.
next week wna buy anthr pair i itnk.den dzul will blanje hehehehe.
seen the eastpak bag. omg 79 bucks.wna kill me sia.not getting that oredy.conferm.

hasif aku tgk ko envy sioooool.
hahaha.cb tkd la.aku tk mcm dzul nk amek gerl ko.
tapi envy ah.gerek siol. :'(

tkp ahh...
biar ku membawa diri....membawa diri dgn guitar tong..hahaha.mcm phm..

eh ko nk idea.aku lately byk...tapi sumer terlampau sng utk ko ah.acoust pe.
behind blue eyes.through the glass.mcm2 lagi ah.

just now i went into d toilet.bathed.shampoo hair brush teeth shave goatee shave moustache.den wen i went out my mum called me.
she asked if i smoked in d toilet.say smell of smoke.den i sae no la.COZ I REALLI DINT.damn dumb smoke in toilet if shes ard???
den she sae she knw i still smoke.huhhuhhuh????

ehh i just received email by my coach.i wonder what.


ouh sif carik gado yok


The 6th of the month
3/06/2008 09:13:00 PM
First of all, Happy 2nd Anniversary to you, Anisa. :D
Two months seem kinda short, but hey, there's still a long way to go.
And I'm confident we'll make it yeah.
I love you bebeh. :D
Idk why, but currently I'm having bloggers' block.
I've tons of things to say but damn, it ain't coming out.
Hell, maybe I'm just too satisfied about today I guess.

Camp is coming in 24 hours time
-sinister laugh
I love Anisa, beb.


3/04/2008 11:02:00 PM
yo ppl.
just came home.n ta-daaa diff url?
dang.hasif must be reeeel bored at home when the two other mtf just lpaked and tokd alotta cock n funny stuffs(isnt cock owaes funny?)

yeaa today had game against pioneer. I thought they were like damn good since the other teams they fought lost to them by either points on par or much more then us. But today i guessed they stepped up a hell lot.and they won pioneer by was damn shocking actualy.i only played like ten mins?geez.damn lot of 'play of the days'.March hols the coach said were gna take it to anthr step.i wonder wat ttll be God.the sec 4 batch...cbknnmtf good. we had pretty ecstatic and unexpected reactions by the coaches today.the welsh coach came up with a 'yay' that sounded much like "YAYEEE" and gave a smile only a toddler would when given sweets. then the malay coach said " Im quite speechless. Bliddy good performance" and he said other stuffs that we never expected would come out from him.he was also praising alot.ALOT.never expected that.

thats all la.aside from, i suck.and my stamina sucks more.jheee.

ouhh n realli faster la lpak i wna learn tt song.tears dont fall-bfmv. err what else? cant really remember.heck ahh

ehhhhhhh asal tk on9 sehhhhhhh.


3/04/2008 10:41:00 PM
So as I start.
Nothing new.
Same old things yo.
Anywho, it's close to 2 months already & we've been doing good.
I can't explain it here but, I'm confident we'll make it.
As long as possible.
And I'm still loving you as much as I did the last time.
Dreading for the hols to come so that I'll be able to spend some quality time with you, hun.

I experienced something weird last night, before turning in.
Like, really bad. Have anyone of you ever felt like your soul was leaving your body at the moment before you sleep? You don't really realise when do you sleep right? You don't realise, when was the exact moment your eyes lay to rest & you doze off through the night.
Well, I denied that occurrence, I guess.
The moment my eyes laid to rest, I heard this ringing sound that was awfully annoying.
It continued.
So I tried to open my eyes, but guess what? I couldn't.
I felt awake, but my whole body was dead. I couldn't budge an inch.
I tried moving my arms, but they wouldn't budge. Everything was immovable.
Fuck, even the ringing noise was beginning to increase in volume.
I stopped struggling for a moment, hoping that the ringing noise would stop but no. All of a sudden, my fecking jaw began to vibrate.
LIKE WHAT THE FUCK, I mean seriously. Like the spasm types.
I felt as if I was being sucked out by something. I could fecking feel myself getting pulled out from my body. I tried preventing it from happening, then it stopped.
Somehow, someway, I got out of the whateverthefuckhappened, then I tried getting up.
Okay, my jaws felt sore. As though they'd just been shaken.
It may seem as if I'm making this up but, it fecking happened, & I didn't dare sleep after that.
I can tell that it wasn't a dream, you know why?
Because after closing my eyes, I immediately tried to open them, but to no avail.
I wasn't like in a really sleep state, so I should've been able to open them up again.
But I couldn't.
Maybe it's true that, when you sleep, your soul gets taken away until you wake from your sleep.
So maybe, in my opinion, I actually denied the occurrence of my soul getting out of my body.
Maybe. I can't base my opinions based on my experience, who knows, others might have gone through another version of this, though it had happened a few times to me already.
This may sound bullshit and all, but it's up to you whether you believe it or not.


Bottle finger
3/03/2008 09:58:00 PM
Today = waste of time in my life.

First thing in the morning, bus was fecking late.
Then I thought I was late, but she wasn't even there yet. :o
During lessons, forgot to consume my daily dose of Clorets, so I was fecking sleepy I tell you.
That led to not paying attention.
Okay, that's a norm.
But again, dragonboating was utter crap.
Fucking just paddled around the reservoir like a few times and done.
Who in the bloody world builds a freaking training center in the middle of nowhere? (not literally)
But the place was situated at some deserted area of Upper Seletar Reservoir (WTF)
So this explains why NCC HQ is actually pretty poor.
They spend their bloody money on finding ways to recruit new cadets rather than caring about their current ones. That sounds like someone.
Anywho, I was so bloody looking forward to meet Aneeesaaaa.
Said she'll be done by 4+, so I thought it'll be fine if I waited abit.
But noooooo, she wanted me back. Okay fine, I won't be stubborn for once but, GAHHHHHHHHH.
There's some thingy tomorrow for the camp & the actual opening ceremony for Upper Seletar thingy's on Wednesday.& Two days to rest before CAMP.

nabeiahcibaifuckerfuckyou -random


3/03/2008 09:05:00 PM
yo people.back on track.

today dint go to school.just couldnt be bothered.malas la.n penat n ngantok.

forget sorry.

today nothing went to plan.stayed at home at last.

i hate sbs.confiscated my ezlink coz its spoilt?wtf.den now i must play adult fare.motherfucking bloodsuckers. havent they got enough?
still want to fine some barstard for tailgating XDXD.
felt like burning their office or something.
yes rebellious. In the blood i guess. blood with a low boiling point.

ouhh my im sposed to write a reflection on the feasibility of a utopia. but i cant get it done coz my brain got mental barrier,

"'Utopia' means 'any real or imaginary society, place, or state considered to be perfect or ideal'. 'Perfect' carries the meaning 'faultless'. However if something is considered perfect, it may not exactly be faultless but worked towards perfection or in a state of very little number of faults. If that then is the criteria of a Utopia, I say that it is possible. For example, Singapore is a democratic state which emphasises on racial and religous harmony. Anyone caught offending or acting against its set of rules are punished and therefore the ideals of the country are 'safe' in the sense that the authority works towards keeping the set of national ideologies as principles for the society.

A utopia is possible as long as the society behaves in line with the rules adn regulations that ensure that the principles and ideologies of the state are kept unoffended. However a utopia does not mean that the absence of a government body and a law enforcer is possible. In reality, there is bound to have certain individuals who will go against the rules and regulations and therefore the law enforcer or authority must act to ensure that others are either not hurt or not influenced.

A utopia is not possible if its definition takes the form of ' a perfect state or society where all ideologies are unoffended'. A utopia, then, is not possible in reality as individuals will offend the rules that keep the ideologies unoffended and will certainlytake advantage of the situation if no law enforcers or there is no government or form of authority. Therefore, anarchy will not work as there is no form of authority to keep things working in order and if the society is in authority, they will disagree and cause more chaos."

what gna fail it i swear.ahahaha

ehh nice song...dream on ahmad.

i wish i cud sing.fuck.

nth ese to write


3/02/2008 10:45:00 PM
I like her
I really do
But what;s the point?
She likes someone else
The feelings i fading
but something else is brewing
I like the other one
The single one
I mean
I talk to her more
She's not into anyone
And I think I'm starting to like her again
So confused
I sound like a gay

3/02/2008 09:55:00 PM
whres the biyatch hus supposed to post?
post ah sia...
nvm i post first.suddenly listen back to d old bfmv...sdap plak...
i need a bigger spaced mp3 for nuts.

how wud i spend my last monday of the term...or first day of the week.
according to planned, im supposed to go to school, go to training, rush to tamp mart to get my fresh slice of bread, go to pasir ris and sleep or sit or lie down or talk or drag at some void deck with hasif d mtf.

den ill go home, post a fucking good one.(or maybe not) and then go to sleep.
boring as fuck.then tue is last game.after that im gna fuck up.just happy2 ah before march hols.

fuck i nd new mp3.

tmr supposed to be a short team run.

happy posts evryone.and hasif postup or ill sell ure balls off and buy a pack of cigs for my dad.


Weekend shit.
3/02/2008 09:49:00 PM
  1. Weekends should be spent wisely, never stay at home.
  2. That means, GO OUT BITCH.

Well, I've learnt my lesson, for now I guess.
Anywho, I had a pretty bad dream last night. Was about Hari Qiamat. Fucken scary I tell you. Actually, that dream made me realise well how much my loved ones meant to me.
Guys, don't take things for granted for the time being. You have to accept things the way it is, and remember to cherish time spent with your loved ones.
I freaking woke up in cold sweat that night. Lucky for me, it was just another dream.
But it isn't just ANOTHER dream.
This was my wake up call. (no pun intended)
After going through shit & all, I should really start appreciating what I have now. I'm not saying that I'm not. It's just that, I take things for granted. To think that now we're still young (considerably), our time may come to an end any moment from now. There's no saying when it would happen.
This is a pretty random post though, but I'm just stating my opinions here.
So, bai bai.


I'll never let your hand go, ever.

3/02/2008 09:00:00 PM
fuck aku da sereslie tk leh tahan siaa.
n babtu aku post.sorry ah kalo menyebok.

tapi serious sia...fuck.
cant stand just trying to keep quiet and not talk.
like we usually do.
when she's actually online.or i can just conveniently sms her.
den if sms wont be like friends already right...or by time, if i continue talking, then i wont be able to control my feelings right...omfg.
seriously ahh..fuck la.nth helps.its like im stuck. things just not happening the way i wished it would...then when i acknowledge and accept that fact, some part of me just stubbornly stays where it used to be and where it wants to be.cmon man.fucking hell.and the thing is...its not like i can tell that part of me to move on.i nd to go out and get a drag really..

fucked up


3/02/2008 06:36:00 PM
alalala.ksiaaaan dzul... mau pi urot pe?its ikhlas.
bukan aku ahh tapi...
cnferm gerek...

yest nyte i found myself talking to spleak.luckily a kind soul started talking crap with me and so i had a friend to talk to.

and to all athletes. If you love listening to music before your event/game, but have gotten sick of the usual psycheup music(whther its jazz,metal,rock,emo,screano,weemo,nurseryrhymes OR EVEN BACKSTREET BOYS), throw your mp3 away.all you need now is just one song that will make you energetic as long as you remember one part of the song..listen to....

piece of me-britney spears.

orgasmic sia.hahaha.damn dumb.saw her part in meet the spartans.lols...dumb.chastity belt WTF.yea man meet the spartans is funny.but..boring.yeaa...and gee the whole group of students was drooling over....jeng jeng jeng...

Who are we kidding?ourselves?

in a bid to make things simpler, i think ive gotten myself in a whole lotta complications.madness.yes the obvious is that it is simpler. but what about everything else unseen?i guess ill have to sort it out one by one. but knots are never simple to untangle. and some even seem always ends up at the final big knot...and that i have never found a way to untangle...

we argued everyday.but it prevailed.we didnt talk for weeks. but it prevailed. we got paranoid.but it said you dont know how things will be in the future...
well i dont even know if id die tomorrow. But yes beside that issue lay a hundred more.but if only we could close our eyes to that hundred, id say we just let it happen.n let tomorrow come.If tmr lies a bloodbath for me, id take it.for a chance with you today.

ouhh hell...

emo phrase...

"the night sky reminds me of your many little bright dots."

gahh i suck at this.


3/01/2008 11:34:00 PM
Kerja macam nak rak siak
Penat nak mampos
Dah la bangun kul 7 on a Saturday
Abe kerja banyak
Alot iak
Cuci pinggan
Angkat benda
Serve makanan
Tengok anak dara orang
It was okay
Got 60 bucks
Working again tomorrow
Penat siak


3/01/2008 07:41:00 PM
heyy guys..
firstly, id just like to say sorry if my mood has been like a ....bitch's..
yea sorry cause ive been inflicting people at times lately...maybe i dao u or maybe i talk harshly coz get irritated easily ah.yea so im sorry ah.

hvnt really been able to handle things positively ah thats bad my bad.

but heck.lets talk about the better stuff.

ouhh fuck you know im talking to a friend.n im luffing like a ustaz alif liddat.coz got to knw her frm him .rabaaak damn funny ahh

"my friend laughs like a dying laughs like a pig having an asthma attack.she pauses after every "ha" like ha*pause*ha*pause*ha*pause*ha*pause."

wahh fag damn funny.LOLS.
