cause lately we've

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Amirah Aytie Atiqah A. Fatiha Fiany

Suliana Syazrin Hyrah Raidah

Dzul's Peekchures!

February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009



Now, I would gladly appreciate if you kept this section untouched. We all like honest people now, don't we.
layout tm / dd

4/30/2008 10:01:00 PM
Tomorrow's Labour Day.
Today was uh,


Besok Geography. Boleh Mati.
4/29/2008 10:34:00 PM
Uhuh. You read right.
Me ain't passing Geography fo' sure.
To put it simply, I forget even the simplest things easily.
Ultimate case of STM (Short Term Memory).
Yo, today's okay.
Chem, thinkthinkthink.
A Maths, ON TIME!.
Mom said It was due to the heatiness(sp?).
Idk why I'm having em.
Set off to bed now,
since I'm seeing Anisa(<3) the first thing tomorrow morning.

4/29/2008 10:08:00 PM
ouhh abit of a surprise eii?
well for those who know me, im usually more aroused by motorbikes than cars. but recently, since i heard about Dzulridhwan Kamaludin (correct me if im wrong) and his drift car(no wonder he likes his means drift king)ok ok cut the crap.

i just watched tokyo drift.aww maann shuttup least unlike my other friends, i caught transformers in cinemas. not like only NOW. so anywaaay....those 4 wheel machines are fuuuuyooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooot.
BUT.i dont know anything yet. so do teach me whatever you know.hahahaha.
aniway. imagine this(ok maybe YOU wont be aroused but i wud.)

blue impreza wrx sti. den fag shiny. den like just beep. den like d sound den like brembo(wud tt suffice?) den like. tough chrome but not so shiny rims den AUTOBOTS vinyl.den d beep become autobots TRANSFORM!!!!

wooo.what imagination....
how abt d 350z.
ouhh pls dzul, do lemme touch your car.... :'(


Monday dreams
4/28/2008 08:21:00 PM
ouh sif sif.
why do we live?as in.what is our purpose?what?too much teevee?
if u mentioned religion, den isnt it as a test for where we'll end up in afterlife?(wooo.yes of course im PIOUS.hahaha)
but as for me, why are we alive?on earth?as humans of this kind and what have you. i think its a free for in.its up to you.some ppl live to make it big, while others spend a big fraction of teir lives containing themselves, trying to find some answer to this and that.why babboons have hair like us.why are men aroused by boobs and how underwear technology has advanced through the years.and soo much more.

as for me, im not sure either.
i guess i live coz i was born to?there's not much other purpose. but i do have dreams.
my coachs asked me just now what i wanted to be when i grow up.i told him i wasnt sure. but i told him i wanted to live a happy life.well, maybe few have heard me rant about my dream life. those who have laugh out loud, saying i tink toooo far.hahaha.ok so here it goes...

i park my car outside the house.then i knocked on the door and after a few seconds, my wife(who's my dream gerl.hahahahaha) opens the door. i hear my kid's voices as they rush to me and hug me.i pick both up and swing them around. both still in kindergarten, one boy one girl. hahaha.then we head to the dining table, where a domestic helper helps get ready the food and we eat as a family, talking about our days.gee soo warm.hahahah woooorld


8 more days.
4/28/2008 05:07:00 PM
Sorry for the random posts lately.
Been too bored.

Today, was my MT(1) & SS papers.
Obviously, I screwed my SS.
And tomorrow I'll be dead cos it's A Maths(2) & Chem(2).

Anyway, I met up with Anisa STRAIGHT after my SS paper.
And I was fucking sweating all the way cos it was fucking hot.
Mhmm. Today's just the best I've ever had.

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I swear, hun.♥

Let's cut it short.
Today's the bestest awesumest day I've ever had in my entire point of life.
To think that it's just a Monday,
I'm guessing my week'll go smooth.
So, :D
Joy to the world.

Is this really happening.
4/27/2008 10:10:00 PM
Listen to this awesummm song.


The Ponytail Parade-

Three sleepless nights
this isn't how it's supposed to be
but you're so good at taking your time
to give back to me

I will wait for you forever
if you would just ask me
I thought that I could change you
but you changed me

but it doesn't feel right
holding someone else's hand
together on phone lines
and living at two opposite ends

It scares me to think that you could find takers
other than me and better than me
but your head is elsewhere
and I'm talking enough for both of us
when will you see it's not so easy for me

You careless and whispered
insulting and bruising
and I thought that you said
things were improving
these laces are untied
but my feet are walking away
(I fall from your eyes. Your eyes I trusted. You said forever)

I never thought you could say these words
is this really happening
(don't say that we can still be friends)

erase my name from this page
how can you take all these days
(what is inside me, what have I done)
and throw them away,
(is this the only way that you will notice me)
as I sit here waiting for you
(dead words for closed ears, all this is sung for you)
I stay up nights
(if you are still pretending this is what's right)
until stars leave the sky
(why can you look at me can you only see)
knowing what my dreams can take away
(sides, your side, can take away)

Walk away from me
This night is done.


Terlalu mendak.
4/27/2008 09:37:00 PM
Greetings Earthlings.
Yes, you.
Explain to me, why are we living?
Explain to me, why am I living as a Malay dude in Singapore?
Explain to me, why am I living on Earth?
Explain to me, why are we mortals?
Nothing can be explained here sensibly.
You shoot yourself in the head.
You die.
Things like this can be explained scientifically and theoratically,
but the point is, what is it in us that keeps us living?
How can our heart keep pumping non-stop?
I bet scientists can't answer that with all the so-called theories.
There's only one thing I wish to see now.
Which is, what happens when you die.
I long to meet my late Aunt who passed away in 2003 ( I think),
and question her about all this.
I know, as a Muslim (zomg), we have our beliefs and all but why is it
that there's so many other religions?
If there's a wish I could make, I'd wish I was alive when Earth was formed.
Or, the so-called "Big Bang".
Gangbang la.
Anyway, why am I even rambling all this shit here.
Making me even more distracted.
Fruit for thought, mehhh.
Let's pray (or so I think) that the papers tomorrow will be a breeze.
Thank you for wasting, hmm, 1 and a half minute of your lives reading this.
I consider you to think again, why are you even alive.


I won't. (try to not)
4/27/2008 09:16:00 PM
Mad kau *****.
Lepak tak ajak.
I'm like trying to study here.
No wait.
Trying to read and understand, to be exact.
So let's be direct now eh?
I need to spend some time alone,
at a place where I'll be alone, alone.
And just a few packs with me.
A lighter.
A pistol to end my note.
And I'm done with life.


i love....dangdut?LOLOLS
4/27/2008 08:27:00 PM
ouhh siff chill ahh
chill like next chill.
aku blng ko convert mcm aku tnk...jadi gay sng...
atau kalo ko sayang, ko jadi bi.amcm?at least aku sorang2 ke ko bleh teman.
eh kiymak aku gilegeli siool.kiywak.

lols i just found dangdut in my comp.prolly mum downloaded em....nice change of music.hahahaha


so just now had tuition...boring as fack.
sleep better.den go home met my long-lost(padehal ns) cousin. wahh hack his motor sound.fuyyoooohhh remp-it siaa.
den he showed me d vid of some gerl kana bash by guys in msia.he was cursing al d wae.n i wudve if i didnt feel awkward cursing while watchin a vid.but hell i tell u its sick and in not the details...but the can a big group of men beat up one women.till shes on the ground struggling for her life and they still bash her up.and she cries...n u can see by her face, red, swollen.n den dey throw a brick on her head twice or thrice.its fucking disturbing. i just cudnt tink abt it.made me disgusted, mad, sad.

so anw, den we talked.hahahaha.
den went central, enjoyed bubble tea with fries and headed home.nth much.

yest lpaked with sif and aytie and fahmi.hvnt told THAT story.
but its nth diff either.
hope sth like BOOM happens.


30 odd hours.
4/27/2008 05:24:00 PM
" The words are coming I feel terrible,
Is it typical for us to act like this. " -

Right. Today sucked like shit.
Where are you guys mannnnn.
Malay & SS tomorrow.


Tell me.
4/27/2008 12:31:00 AM
I've not heard from Anisa the whole day.
Is it difficult to just text me once at least?
I wonder, really.
Today sucked.
I was supposed to study.
Lepak instead.
Fuck exams.
Fuck everything.
Fuck you.

i love ....idk?me!
4/26/2008 08:01:00 PM
yaay new haircut.long tyme since ive got a diff yeaa it sure is a breather. potong mcm fahmi ah.sebijik.
so just now just lepaked with hasif, aytie and fahmi at tamp mart area.oraiite ah not tat bad...den headed to whitesand to cut hair.yearrps...okies den..nothing else to say.chiaoozz


4/25/2008 11:22:00 PM
Fuck this computer.
And I mean it.
Waste my time la kaninacheebyebuto.
And I wonder why I get angry even at the slightest things.
Maybe I'm just deprived of attention?
Or do I simply ask too much?
Now my GP's gone, I can't compose music. (or so I think I did)
Husayn's gone mad I think.
Ahmad = Are mad?
I think.

"It's better to lie than to tell the truth."-


I love caliban
4/25/2008 02:45:00 PM
yeaa man
im happy.i realised that im back to the state where i am. like how Ahmad used to be.or at least i think so.
just alil fixing here and tere like final touches.
an yeaa got back to be able to listen to metal again.n weee i like caliban. n one more...cnt rmmbr the name...demon or
n hasif good luck for ure papers.
n d othe rbasket smyg pat ghufran. he's prolly drifting his ass off.wonder if tmr, hell be drifitng.
ouhh n hell i dont want rain.makes travelling alot more troublesome.

ps.aku tk gler.serious,

Spare me.
4/24/2008 11:02:00 PM
56minutes to MYE.
9 more hours to my first paper to be exact.
& I'm not prepared for it.
Though it's just English 1 & 2.
I was supposed to do ALOT of things today, but guess what?
Hasif procrastinated AGAIN. And again.
That cycle never seems to end, eh?

Anywho, Anisa was supposed to call me.
Around 10+, as promised, but, yeaaaah.
Most probably she's asleep right now and I'll forgive her.
So Imma just go and sleep later and
wake up to a new day tomorrow, as if nothing happened.
That'll do, I hope.
I'm also hoping that it'll rain again tomorrow.
Cos I love the cool breeze & the cool temperature.
Which never fails to make me yearn for a nice, warm, hug.

P.S. Ahmad, kau giler. Seriously.

"We were not being the first, we were not being the first." -


Mad oh, mad.
4/23/2008 10:12:00 PM
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Yes, everyone's back. & Anisa, too.
And I'm guessing that, my MYE will be a total failure.
Cos I do not have the motivation to studaye.
Big time.
Unless someone gives me a big slap on my face to wake me up.
Cos sooner or later, everything'll just go down, down, down.
Help is needed, if you are able to, request for contact.
I'm seriously seriousssss.

Oh and Mrs Poon if you're reading this,
Apparently, I did nothing wrong.
I swear.

ahmad is back la sif.
4/21/2008 10:08:00 PM
ouhh i pity ivoryline. oni one pathetic dude posts.hahahaha tkd la.
gee yest i watched fuck.heart pain.
nvm that.

today had a game against the cdiv.we won 4 tries to 3.that is fucking pathetic do trust me. we played like shiet.and thats proly the werst weve ever played.werse den sec 1 days. n it was a big slap to my face. coz not only did we screw up, but i screwed up too. i dont know if because the whole team played sucky that it was a harder game for me but even so, i felt tired and was walking at some parts of the game.that shouldnt be the case at all.well,staminastaminastamina. coz i hate running. but i think ill try askin if i can swim tmr. and the SIG still hvnt strt.walaooo.

n i want to apologise for making problems bigger. yea i know you wanted to say sorry. but even before that i made a bigger fuss.

ah i dont wna talk abt it.

erm....what more to write...
nvm la.actually wanted to play a song but comp gler.

so anw, ive started gymming, so anyone wna be my partner?

gee n i hope mr feizal hold a fight real itching for one.

eh i love you.thanks for everything.

why cant sif give me a friendly spar.that would be fun.


4/21/2008 07:51:00 PM



4/20/2008 09:52:00 PM
I miss Anisa.
Yes, I do.
No wait, I fucking do,
miss Anisa. .Anisa.Anisa. .Anisa.Anisa.
.Anisa.Anisa.Ani. .Anisa.Anisa.Anis.
.Anisa.Anisa.Anisa.An. .Anisa.Anisa.Anisa.An.
.Anisa.Anisa.Anisa.Anisa. .Anisa.Anisa.Anisa.Anisa.

I think it's darn awful.
Worth the time spent anyway.
Just 30+ hours more and I'm done with this ordeal.

Oh and about today.
It sucked bad.

"I've been jumping from the top of buildings, for the thrill of the fall." -


4/19/2008 08:55:00 AM
It's been 72(approx.) hours since I last spent at least an hour with Anisa.
And add another 72 hours to that cause I'm gonna see her on Tuesday.
So, 72 + 72 = 144 hours = close to one week.
And it's not the holidays mind you.
Like she said, officially my worst school week(&days) ever.
I guess it's just the exam fever eh?
Tick tock tick tock tick tock.
Time seems to pass ever fucking slowly without your presence.
I don't mean now.
Yeah, you get what I mean.

Oh btw, I didn't go for my Mini ex.
And from this, I can conclude that;
  1. Maam will be obviously pissed at me.
  2. So will my platoon mates.
  3. And seniors? ( I guess.)
  4. Gonna be striked off the list for Spec Course.
  5. And getting a post.
And well, I conclude that from now onwards,
there's really no point in commiting myself to NCC.
If any of you seniors are reading this then so be it.
Maams don't like my attitude.
And oh, if that's not good then,
even if I try to improve, there's no point.
It'll still be the same.

Okay. So I hope Ahmad & Aytie will reply my messages
cause I really wanna go out & mug today.




4/17/2008 10:44:00 PM
fuck la.
if embarrassed say need to be so...idk..sae like this that.just straight to my face.its much easier.
by now, id probably think ud be angry coz im just assuming and claiming and accusing.
but ive got my reasons.dont wna go out coz later people see?nonono not like ure parents or teir frens or fam frens. ure sch ppl see.ok ah i understnd ure sis tere.and yea today. wat has he got to do with anth about us?nothing.nothing at all.unless its image you talk deny it.ok fine. then tell me the actual reason. yes i DONT understand. then tell me. If i come up to you and tell you what you told me, would YOU understand? and if i said ITS HARD TO EXPLAIN. whatcha think? i was close to doing what it wud know how long weve knwn each other?8 years.thats more than half of my life. and i was close to throwing it away. cant you like just see how much u mean to me? but heyy, thanks, u gave me a tight slap and i strt to realise what it really is. if that mattered so much, den forget it.coz no matter how much i change or try to, id still have that old scar that makes me a bad person.n I AM A BAD PERSON, in case you dont know. im not rich, not smart, not goodlooking, not nothing.n im sorry if im nt gd sorry i had to send u that message n im sorry i had to write this here. n im sorry if all these times, i have never been enuff. just so fucking..ah.
fuck la.
n ive gt shiet to finsih up.cnt even think straight.
have chem tmr.ahh fuck it la.ill get my time tomorrow.

ahh fuck ah hafta chill.tot wna tok like normal.n end like nicely...
tell her the things ill be having tmr..
actually ill be having a bout tmr.first bout.reff-ed by coach. but well...

really guys.sorry if im a nuisance here.


4/17/2008 05:58:00 PM
I've just accomplished a feat that's never been done since the start of school yo.
How amazing.

School was nothing but boring. See how it rhymes.
Slept during my D&T remedial.
Ahhhh. An air-condition room is always the best place to sleep in.
Especially in the afternoons.
So comfy.

Anyway, I'm missing a whole lot of people now.
And the holidays seem to be lightyears away from now.
I miss Anisa, mosterestestest.
I miss Ahmad, cos he's a sucker.
I miss Dzul, bloody hell I've not seen him for so long.
I miss Mamad, mainly his guitar of course but, yeah.
I miss oh crap, too many people to be listed.
None of em you may know of but,
they're the friends I've not met since, ages ago.
Bottom line is that, I so bloody ^(*@&#^$@%$@$!^)!%^%@#
miss Anisa Abdullah.
Yeah, I'm not trying to post vulgarities or whatever,
in case her mom's reading this.
Oh by the way, I'm not a camwhore alright.
I just feel like taking pictures whenever I do.

" This night, this night just like the rest
these same thoughts running through my head " -



4/15/2008 10:10:00 PM
I'm online because I was too sleepy to do my work.
How ironic.
My eyes were falling asleep while I was trying to work out my maths,
but woah, suddenly I feel so awake. -.-
Nothing special today, 'cept for my Chem test which I think I screwed.
I guess that's all?
& Hun, whatever I said today, just put it at the back of your mind aight?
I wasn't even supposed to tell you that. :o
Alright now.
My Mid-Years is coming real soon, and I'm so screwed/fucked up.
The fact that I'm having my mini kayaking expedition this Friday
makes me feel like I'm wasting my time.

Oh God put some sense in me, will you?

A is for awesome, & so are you.

4/15/2008 02:09:00 PM
ouhh fuck.
yest was probably one of the biggest days of the year and my rugby.
being the junior in the team, i was seriously much lacking in the skills, experience, brains and fitness to be in the first team. But yesterday, i felt pretty much like evryone was in it together.
yea we lost, 15-11.
I'm not even going to start on the refereeing.its actually quite useless.unless someone comes up with a video. else, ppl will start thinking we're sore losers.
i swear i couldn't take it yesterday. seeing mates just drop on the ground and cry. fuck.
never seen them that way.
ahh fag touchy.not gonna talk about it.

alright, like capt said, move on. well what they all should know is that they won.they seriously fucking did. not for the sake of saying only. evryone who came down for greenblackwhite did win.

so today i didnt go to school. woke up at 12+.dont even know what ill say to the doctor its late already..



4/13/2008 09:26:00 PM
I'm scared now cos Anisa's mom really wants to meet me.


Wasey. -.-

4/13/2008 08:58:00 PM

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boring ol' Sundays as usual.
Least I got to meet up with best buddayes.
Heh, with the exception of Dzul, who I've not seen since, IDK WHEN.
I think scarification(sp?) is better than piercings.
I think.
I'm not saying that I'm gonna do it but, yeah.
Piercings gives you a bad image to some people.
Or should I say the public.
They'll stare at your as if you've done a bad thing :o
& I miss you, Anisa. I fucking do.

"Oh he's a jolly good fella." -



4/10/2008 10:29:00 PM
Why the fuck must it rain today?
I mean, my day could've ended well with a nice long trip back home on the bus and then a nap, but noooo.
Instead, I got fed-up for no reason & I reached home late when I could've been early.
Fuck this life.
Sounding emo, but so?
This's the only way I can rant everything out. (FUCK)

Currently on my D&T research which is due tomorrow.
And eyes are drooping. Real bad.

Mmmm. I just can't help it but to say this.
I'm sorry aight? I'm just not the type of guy who likes seeing his girl being with another guy (whom I do not know at all & although he's a close friend), I know I'm being selfish but, what the hell was I even doing there?
Maybe fate's not on my side today I guess?
Maybe huh, maybe.

Hasif, fuck you. If there's another me, I'd be scolding myself right now.
Night guys.


4/09/2008 10:03:00 PM
hello and yes...
when you think something will turn bad, it might actually be just fine.
and when you think something's fine, it might just be soo effed up.
so the saying that goes like
pray for the best, prepare for the werst
is probably the best policy.
but well, of course there are loads of shiets inside and underneathe that statement.
as for me, i bottle it up.just too used to it. but yea of course my bottle have a definite
nahh lets just forget it.too lazy to talk about these shiets.

just now lepaked with hasif...
talk2 onli ahh..
n lucky we walked to minimart n lucky saw shahrul and lucky shahrul was we're happy ppl now.

gee i reeeallli cnt wait for monday.yes i DO feel(despite some team members treating me the same as others) that im not part of the team.coz i dont contribute much...but i reaali wud be glad if we won tis year.padang sommore. history mann...and gee itll be a great match, so if ure free,a nd appreciate good rugby, do come down.i think tha match is at 4.

another thing is coz after season, i have planned alot of activities...or hobbies...or stuff to do...for gna gym, swim,run,train MA, and....ive also told hasif my master plan that i will carry out on a school if one of them fucking serious about it.and i think sif saw that too just now.usually he'll like just luff it out or sae "suda la " but just now he dint.he looked serious too.hahaha.n yes i AM serious.kalo satu skola turon, satu skola aku mau pecahkan.kiymak.tkmo perangai ah.


4/09/2008 09:47:00 PM
I do not feel like posting cause no one has been.


4/08/2008 10:37:00 PM
Follow up of Mondays suck.
I mean it.
Supposed to go for Napfa training but was too lazy to turn up.
C'mon, gym?
Pathetic facilities at school.
What the hell.
Okay. It's late & ImissAnisa.
Lights outttt


Anyway, I'm still wondering what am I actually now.
I'm happy, but, sometimes I wonder where's this going.
And sometimes I just need to know.


4/06/2008 09:02:00 PM
Happyhappy 91 to you too, Anisa. :D
Eh, I love you oi.
This is just the beginning of our story.

Today's okay-o.
Wanted to go gym, but procrastinated again.
Thought of seeing her, but she couldn't.
So at last, went out with school buds to Town and that's about it.

Hmmm, lets see;
Mom made a deal with me.
B3 in every subject & she'll get me ANY guitar. (WTF)
A good deal, very. But the thing is, B3 is almost impossible.
Seriously speaking.
If I want to, I can, but Hasif is currently brain dead.
See the problem?

I'll just have to prove her I can do my best. (HOPEFULLY)
And you buggers here help me out with that.

Mad, I need cash too.
= I need a whole new wardrobe.
= I need tops.
= I need pants.
= I need a whole new wardrobe.
= I need cash.



4/06/2008 07:59:00 PM
actually that day i wanted to post.
tried twice but my computer fucked up.
what happened actually was...
i argued with dad.BIG BIG argument.shoutshout. and then i just fucked off from home.
was about ...actually financial and all.
and damn ive been going to school alittle later than usual.and i notice how nice the skies are.mygod.
how and now i wish i had those cams, den take pictures like for the whole day around s'pore.
well yea.gee actually these problems are still at the back of my head. it manifests.and eats me still not in good terms with dad.i cant look at his makes me...idk...and i dont like talking to him.i know its bad.and what kind of a son am i? but takes awhile.i think.

i have alot of things i want to get.
(not according to priority) yet.
1)white tops, polo tees, plain v-neck tees.(TOPSTOPSTOPS)
2)a class(settling that with Mr Feizal Ahyar)
3)punching bag
5)black socks
6)boot blades(one of mine came off)

and you know all these things require what?
i need money.
i need a job.
nvm that.
after season, i wanna start a new gonna cut my hair as a start XD -.-"
im gonna gona lose gonna learn MT.

just now lepaked with dzul.hell it was fun.
at first he was reluctant to have a friendly spar.
probably malas.
but then after awhile we sparred,
was fun siaa.
learnt weaked points of myself and stuff too...
den....nth else happend.hahaha.

tmr i hav semi finals. my coached asked us to do homework for the weekend.that is to find a motivation-what do you want to achieve for.if he asks me about it, i want to say

sir, lets cut all the crap about doing this and that for a girl.been there, done that. now, its actually for my own self-dignity. not my dignity in others' eyes.but my own self.i think ive lost alot of myself. and i want to catchup.

that's all i guess.hoo ha.thanks for reading
