cause lately we've

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Amirah Aytie Atiqah A. Fatiha Fiany

Suliana Syazrin Hyrah Raidah

Dzul's Peekchures!

February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009



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We reign, again.
7/30/2008 10:06:00 PM
mood: :B

Maybe it's fate?
I suddenly came to realisation that in every CCA that I'm in,
I'm bound to excel in it and achieve something big out of it.
Say, I'm not trying to boast here, but it's just something
I wanna post about, so, yeah. I remembered the times when
I fucking excelled in Floorball during my primary school
years, a type of indoor hockey. Yes, I did. In fact, I managed
to help my team clinch overall champions for my final year
in school, and that was when I felt that I've actually done
a good job by leading my team to success. And I've done it
again this time.

It's NCC, but to be more exact, rowing sports, that is, kayaking
and dragonboating. This time, or wait, it has always been
a team leading each other to success, and now, it's happening
to me again. From the time I joined NCC Sea during Sec 1,
we've never failed to secure the Champions' title every year.
Literally. And I'm glad enough to say that I'm proud of my/our
achievements. Sometime at this point of time during last year,
I was a Part B and we were grouped with the 07 Part C's during
dragonboating. It was the first year such an event was held.
And we emerge as winners, yes, just like that. And guess what?
It happened again this year. This time, a close shave.
I'd never thought we'd go this far but fate was on our side
and we managed to defend our newly achieved title.
I'm proud to announce that we've won the title again this year
and the reward by our maams(?) :

Maam Seah - Swensens (OH YEAHHHH!)
Maam Nadira - Drinks (STILL WORTH IT)
Maam Irene - McFlurry (WORTH IT TOO HAH)

I think they're pooling in cash for the Swensens treat, which is TBA.
Well, that's the only thing we can't wait for.
"I'm SO going to Swensens." - HAH.

Anyway, today rocked and sucked at the same time.
Got scolded by Tankeehoe, no need for any elaboration.
And yeah.


Metal News:
Metal Injection reports that Richmond, Virginia's Lamb Of God will enter the studio in September to begin recording the follow-up to 2006's "Sacrament", tentatively due in early 2009 via Epic.



7/29/2008 09:36:00 PM
mood: @*(&#$^@

I don't know how to describe the day. What I'm aware is, that, I slept
for nearly the whole day during every lesson. All because of yesternight.
Fucking reached home @ 1130pm after the Brazil match. Yes, my post
tells all.

About today, hmm. D'boat went smoothly, I guess.

1st round - 1:07 min
2nd round - 1:01 min (BEST)
Last round - 1:09 min

As you can see, we were already shagged by the last round. And mind you,
it was only the HEATS. And obviously, we got into the finals, tomorrow.
I felt kinda fucked through out the whole thing. Didn't had the heart to participate,
cos I expected us not to win anyway. I don't have much confidence over the whole
thing though. And I'm forced to be present for the finals tomorrow.

Hun was the total opposite though. She didn't go through the semis, and according
to her coach, it was all her fault. I don't understand how come this kind of people
exist in this world. To add on to that, her DM informed her she had 2 DCs
(detention class) because apparently someone complained to the school
that he/she caught us holding hands around the school compound. And
apparently, the DM from MY school was also informed. Oh wow.
I MEAN LIKE, who the fucking hell would complain to a school about this
kind of shit? Don't fucking tell me that there isn't anyone else doing
the same at other schools nearby. Must've been a fucking parent
who thinks that this kind of trivial stuff might tarnish the
schools' reputation so he/she decided to bring the matter
to the school thinking it'd be a better way to solve matters.

And I've to get off now thanks to bro.


I love Singapore.
7/29/2008 12:19:00 AM
Eh about the thingy, I don't think those buggers
will upload the pics any time soon, so just wait and see. :D

(pics later)

I can't believe that the Brazil Olympic Team managed to score only
3 goals, and almost conceded 2. It was nearly impossible for
Singapore to score. Hah. Maybe, maybe, Dunga had already
told his players not to embarrass the hosts, so they decided
to play pathetically, but not really. Diego scored the first goal.
The toothy wizard, Ronaldhino, juggled the ball into the goal
for a second one, literally. And lastly, a nice header(?) by Jo,
who was recently signed on to Man City. Appearances were
also made by Anderson, Lucas & Pato. I think the match
didn't went that well though. After all, it was only a friendly.
Final score, 3-0.

Ooookay. A few ups and downs for today, don't really know why.
Some miscommunication here and there, and so on.
Gaaaah. I'm so fucking worn out here but yet I have to bear for
another day. There's like, Dragonboating heats tomorrow,
which means, I'll be skipping the Chem test. Fuck. I am SO not
prepared for it. I keep forgetting the stuff that I learned.
Someone, oh please, someone, tell me how can I help myself
with that. Sigh.

And it's already 1234am but I'm still typing out this post.

I miss talking to some people. :/

Two more weeks.
7/27/2008 08:57:00 PM
mood: :o

(2 more weeks) before the tests commences.
Yes, that is a very short period of time.
2 weeks ago, I was wondering when will we be having them, and
thus, this proves that time flies. Fast.

The weekend was one helluva weekend. Hmm.

Saturday :
Orienteering @ Pasir Ris Park. I'd have to say it was one of the finest
moments with the current Part C's to date. We never had so much
fun together until then, but sadly, it only lasted less than a day.
Hopefully we'll keep this sense of togetherness as long as possible, but
I doubt so. After that, I headed out with Shaz & Chuan to town.
I've yet to set foot in town since aeons, and well, I finally did it yesterday.
The motive of being there was to get Shaz's bro his guitar, since the latter
was very busy with projects and stuff, so he had to ask Shaz to help him,
and then, since Shazani knows nuts about guitars, he decided to seek my
And here's a lil something that occurred @ Guitar77;

Apparently, the guitar I was trying out wasn't mine, so the shop guy
thought that I was actually buying it for myself (when actually I was
trying it out for fun and buying it for Shaz's bro). There's also
this tradition at that shop that, every customer MUST take a picture
with his/her new guitar upon purchase, which will then be posted on
its website ( And well, you've guessed it right.
I had MY picture taken, with a guitar that doesn't belong to me.
Lmao. Shaz & Chuan were already nudging each other in the ribs
when it happened. Fuckers. And also, when I took out (HIS) cash,
consisting of 5 $50 notes, the guy went;
"Woah, you must've saved up for quite a time to get
this guitar eh?"
CHEEBYE AH. Not even mine siol. Hahahahaha.

Fuck itttt. I now have this sudden urge to acquire cash asap.
Simply because I wanna get a new guitar for myself
but it seems to me that I'm not getting one till end of this year.
I feel so fucked up after drooling over all those b-e-a-u-tiful axes.
le sigh.
Yesterday's trip ended with a meet-up with HUNNAYE :D
She never fails to put a smile on my face every time I see her.

Today :
Stupid stupid D'Boat orientation. Dragonboating, that is.
I've been through it once, and yet I have to go for it again.
I don't really feel like competing in D'Boat any longer. It's like,
I feel so left out amongst the rest of them. Sigh, but I have
no other choice as usual. Fuck.
Lunch at Kallang's KFC and looong ride home on 12.

I slam dunk-ed. (Fuck that stick lah)

I flew (sideways).

Gonna go and do some Math becuz apparently a miracle occurred recently.



7/26/2008 07:46:00 PM
hasnt really been very good.
but yea lets try not to talk about that.
howre ya'all?
hmms.i dont know whats next.what do i type next?_____________________________________________________________
fill in.

hmmms.forget that.
so yesterday did the PT session.btw the list i wrote yesterday wasnt really complete. and its that x2
because that was considered one half.
but it was hell.not fucking hell.just hell.
there were points wen my head just slanted to my right when i was running.
and i was jogging when i was suposed to sprint.
and when i was suposed to jog, i jogged, at the speed of a walk.:)
and by the end of it, every one was shagged.
some continued to help out with the c division team run.
some just sat and watch.
but everyone had the legs stiff.i cant explain it.its not a cramp.but its just stiff and painful. and mostly the lower calf. monday's another session.

and i got home, watched house.i like's somehow interesting.
much more interesting then the ouh so much drama and happening lost.
and i realised the video on dr house with the song behind blue eyes accompanied with it made alot of sense.

ok i cant fake it.

i cant stand it.yea its my fault.but. fuck.its been was was just downright bad.
went to the beach.thought could do the usual stuffs tere and chill.but it didnt work.
and dzul and all cant make yeaa.
its bad.its hard. but i dont know what to do anymore.
i dont know what to say.
my old teacher said " you have to have faith in what you believe"
and i believe that you do.
and its bad what i said.
and im sorry.

and dzul cant lepak tonight too.guess im gonna go to my usual place.bye peeps.


It won't be soon before long.
7/24/2008 11:06:00 PM
Today's training suck hard balls.
Bloody stupid USTC place. Went there just to waste our fucking time.
Can you imagine a training centre at a reservoir which is situated
like 5km away from the nearest telephone booth or something?
No, I can't, but it exists though. This is what happens when people
get too kiasu and try to always be the first in the queue.

Sometimes I wonder how do people get along so easily, and then
to have it all ruined and fucked up in the end, with no absolute
concrete reason. Neither is it a credible one. I simply do not quite
get it. Maybe I'm with someone for a reason. Maybe. Or it simply
seems to me that, I was meant for only her and vice versa.
I still can't find any meaning to that. "That", meaning why do
people have to be so fucking paranoid or whatsoever.

I shall now proceed with this fucked up D&T assignment, due 1st week of school.


rcl hrmny dyxz
7/23/2008 11:03:00 PM
mood: :/

add in the vowels and you'll get racial harmxz day.
yeaha. fucking mundane and monotonous event day.
at least the guys came over to my place then headed
for the park after that. the fun with them never ends.
who the fuck is what oh shit. today's gonna be last day
I'm gonna be enjoying this night freedom. what I meant,
was that, today's the last day of this week that that
bastard is gonna work his afternoon shift. 1300 - 2300.
how great's that. pity he's gonna be doing his usual routine
after this week. fuck(!).

life's a-okay. cept for a few screwed up shits here and there.
I need more time for myself. that's about it.
been saying that since godknowswhen, yet, I'm not
doing shit about it.
fuck you, Hasif.


sometimes life ain't just about having people around
you all day. it's about who you spend your precious
money with. it's about how you appreciate your time
spent. it's about how you cherish every moment spent.
it's not just about friends.
it is simply more than just that.

7/23/2008 08:37:00 PM
heyyooos people.
long time no see.yea no see
geddit?see?when i dont see.
no that was on know im not thaaaat lame.

hmms.long time no post.
n i havent seen the blog comp cant browse it.
neither can i browse friendster or other big websites including search engines etc etc etc.

so i dont know who posts what. but i bet hasifs the frequent one. with dzul keeping on the low profile. i better meet up with him soon and have a session.

and for's been busy. when i reach home, i either got no time, energy or motivation to post.

but now im posting. so i better post right.
firstly, whats up in my mind now is my new PT circuit.its like fuck.its an hour a game.
ok its about an hour long.its like this.

half annimuller(hourglass shaped run (call it anni))under a min
30sec rest
shuttle runs for a min
30sec rest
anni under a min
30sec rest
shuttle runs for a min
30 sec rest
22m sprints for 2 mins
30sec rest
annimuller(full field) under 2 mins
30sec rest
22m sprints for 2 mins
30sec rest
30s rest
22m sprints for 2 min
30s rest
30s rest
wrestling for 3min
30s rest
field suicide under 3min
30s rest
30s rest

crazy aye?even the sec 4s didnt ace it. we did half.not even half and we were shagged.
im afraid but at the same time alil motivated.i wna lose weight.but sometimes...nvm.

anthr things is sth that happens to happenXD in aug.
yeaaa thats in my mind to.
national day

then there's brazil vs spore.
no tix.dang.nvm
save money ah ahmad

anthr ting is.
yeaa.good progresss.

anthr thing is im sick.
i hope i get better before PT on friday.

anthr thing is cash.dang cash dang i need cash.

what else?
maybe there are lots more but cant seem to remember.ya'know how it is when you TRY to remember things but u cant but when ure idle it just pops out.,

and i dont really seems that way.or maybe not.but still...


I miss this.
7/22/2008 10:18:00 PM
I guess I'm only meant for that one and only person.
And you know who I mean, uhuh.
I don't know what to do alreadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


25 hours.
7/21/2008 07:31:00 PM
-drum roll.
plus some blastbeats.
and a few synth tunes.

Yesterday was a-okay. Didn't turn up for the usual
Sunday kayaking, instead, headed to Parkway with
Mom and got myself this pair of jeans from Topman
which cost me a mere $50, compared to its retail
price of $103. Am really happy :D Oh and it was
the last day of the GSS I think. So yeah, I'm lucky.

Lol okay. I think I fucked up my A Math test just now.
Big time. I was having a bloody mental block. Really.
I swear I knew how to do 80% of the shit, since I
actually revised and practiced abit the night before,
but what the fack, my mind was completely blank
when I was analysing the paper. God decided to
be kind and I suddenly knew how to do everything
at the last minute.

Anyway, I think I'm feeling better alright, despite the
fact that I was really tired throughout the day.
The CT's are coming real fast. No time for play.
It's time for me to wake up. Yeah. Practice, practice,
practice and more practice. And time on my hand, too.

I'm still wondering how am I gonna cope with everything
from now onwards. I so have to stop reaching home late.
That'll be the first thing.
Till then.


7/16/2008 11:16:00 PM



(insert deep sigh)
7/15/2008 10:04:00 PM
There's really nothing to post about today.
'Cept that I wasn't really being myself for the whole day.
I fucking screwed my A Math quiz just now.
Imagine this, I barely completed one question
which was worth 3 marks,
and then I dozed off for the rest 30minutes.
How not surprising that it's coming from me.
FUCK. I don't have any fucking idea about
logarithm graphs. And it was a so-called surprise
quiz. 10 marks. Bloody hell. I'm totally screwed for A Math.
Trust me on that.

I'm supposed to be mugging right now for my upcoming
Geog test tomorrow but I'm still on this freaking drug.
My desktop, that is.


Ah jeez.
7/14/2008 09:33:00 PM

1st pic : Us climbing out of school, at 2am.
2nd pic : Near 7-11 in the middle of the road.
3rd pic : Retarded Saturday night. :D



7/13/2008 09:48:00 PM
Yes, here I am, once again.
Back to update since like, ages ago?
Fuck. I've been leading a busy life lately.
Busy with unnecessary things in life.

Anyway, it's been almost 3 years now and we've taken over.
I don't feel the difference though. 'cept for the no-more-Part-Ds part.
Mhmm. I'm just glad I got a post (position holder). Yes.
Better than nothing. Yup. Though initially I wanted the Part As.
Regardless of position. As in, main/sub. As long as I'm with them,
I'm happy. Nevertheless, the CO decided that I'd be better off
with the new Part As. Part A '09, that is. Yeaaah. I've still a few
more months before I officially start as a PS (Platoon Sergeant).
As of now, I'm just the PTI (Physical Trg Instructor) for Part A&B.
Yes, that's all. Not really sure what I'm capable of, but, let's just wait
and see. So what if I'm 3-in-1? I'm just the one killing the juniors.
That's all. Syafiq told me this today; "You're too fierce. Yesterday,
the Part A's almost died because of you. You should be taking
the Part B's." I SO AGREE, but anyway, everything has been
finalized already, so there's no point lamenting now. I should be
grateful enough she decided to give me something to be proud of.
Well, I am though. I just can't wait till the next Saturday arrives.

I really wanna post about the P.O.P. but it seems to me that I'm running low
of time. I've yet to revise my E Math & Geog. Yes. Revise. I'm so gonna
do that real soon. There'll be tests for both subjects tomorrow and I'm
fucking unprepared. So, in short, I'm dead as a duck.
For now, I'll just put up pics yeah?


7/13/2008 08:56:00 AM
Hello earthlings.
Watch this space.
I'll be posting real soon.


EDIT: All of a sudden, there's a handful of people talking about The Cab. Hmmm. I wonder who started it.

7/08/2008 10:38:00 PM
Have you any fool.
Oho. So goddamnfucking random. Sorry there. I'm just a lil worked up lately.
No idea why. I just feel so.

Anyway, I'm snacking on Chipsmore(!) right now.
Wait no, I'm having supper. Ahh, that's more like it.
Having my choco chip supper while slowly
completing my E Math shit.

Today's kinda fucked up. Literally. I felt sleepy for the whole fucking day.
Mind you, guess how pissed I was by noticing my usage of profanities.
Knn. Maybe the first half of the day wasn't so bad, but only after getting
my tummy full after recess, omg, I just felt like sleeping all the way man.
No joke. I simply hate dozing off in class (even if I do), period.

One more thing.
I think that Na***a really have something against us all.
I don't know what, but it's so prominent. Just take a look
at all her actions. Fucking hell, go through Spec Course
and shit, till now still don't wanna inform us the results and
shit. Just because we're the fucking first batch to have only
3 3rd Sgts. Mind you, the other 12 have gotten 2nd Sgts.
Yes, that's a really big achievement, cept that, she's not
convinced that we deserve the ranks. Fuck it.
Then again, I don't really think it's that important.
Rank or no rank, you're still taking over. You're
leading your juniors. They won't care about your rank
for sure. It's how they respect you. And how YOU respect
them back. Like they say, respect to be respected.
Even if you're some bigshot MSG or whatever, but yet
your attitude is like an asshole who thinks he's always
right, forget about gaining or earning respect from anyone,
cos your rank doesn't mean everything.
Frankly speaking, I don't really care if she don't wanna
inform us the results. I was just lamenting and sort.
It's up to her when she'll release it, cos, after all, we're
taking over in a matter of 2 days time.



7/07/2008 08:01:00 PM
gee i realise have alot of incomplete posts these days. the one i didnt even signoff was because i had to rush to meet dzul if im not mistaken.

so yeaa that night...ouhh the guys' next question wud be.chicks?
id say...ok la got ah i think.fair amount?but heck....with the music and all.i didnt even realiseXD
and ive got a chick, by my right/left, back ,front ,diagonal etc etc 24/7.

if you were thinking 'eeee' or 'wtf' or 'mcm paham' or 'step berg jek' or 'wooorld' or even 'muke KAU!', den i think u misinterpreted it :P

man i ate a hell lot today.tomorrow maybe ill do some climbing.climb stairs.
ouhh and my leg feels great.ankle i mean.fucking great.feels awesome to have a full usable ankle jump can kick can run.but not too soon.that time it was al okay then i started jumping then it started to hurt again. hee hee hee.and yesterday.i was afraid my ankle would give way.

tadi nothing.spent day at home till around 3.met naz den lepaked with 448 people.den went to 424.met kamar,shah, mad,zik, n fiq.aaah i nearly forgot their names.den suddenly aidil came running to us with another guy."ampaiampai!kungpow!"
cb all run like antsXD.padehal takde pape.ouh no im not saying anth, coz i ran too.didnt thot why.but just did since everyone was running.coz i think i thot they were after us.hahahahaha.kamar can relax.he came to us later saying "eh asal korang lari?aku tga best2 tgk video" lols.
den just continued lepak ah at diff places with diff people.

08 youth day WASTED,

but aniway, there wasnt anyone to have a good time with.aaaaah.
nevermind.i have a holiday on friday.maybe i can do somthing better.

and im so proud of the things i didnt do yesterday night.
and today too.YAY!


7/07/2008 07:06:00 PM
"It starts with the letter 't' and ends with 'e'.yea you got that right. The Departure!"

And i ran in.kayxiao.all through the song i was inside.fell once.or twice.was faint.crazy out after the song with bleeding lipsXD.i think i got punched in the mouth twice.and elbowed at the back of the neck.hahahahahaahha.

and the rest of the night wasnt as mad, but was as fun.
best two sets i must say was ava and caracal.i got bored with electrico's new album so i chiaoed.

yea yea you hardcore kids must be thinkin "gee ive seen worse". cut me some slack. it was still fun. if you dont, ill fcuk your faces.

i dont like labeling.and things along that line.things like "eeew you're so emo coz you listen to *insert deemed-to-be-emo band*" and "im so hardcore coz i listen to blablabla."
pabuto.zaman da lambat ah. ;)

ouhhh man i sure miss hanis.

and wheres the giler tiqah?
i gotta ask her help me in doing some project.
and need for the 5/20 bucks.

ouh and i need to pay people little amounts of money, but still troublesome.

and ouhh im having so much slacking fun these days i think i realy need to pickup my books.

and i miss you a hell lot.

06 of every month.
7/06/2008 09:47:00 PM
Anisa can fly. says:
This's what my mommy said:
Tell Hasif thanks for not disturbing you these past two weeks,
after your trainings and all. He's been a good boy.
But tell him not to get his hopes too high, he'd better keep it up.

Zomfg or what? So many surprises. So many things. So little time.
Gosh. My life's going through a phase that I've never experienced
before. This's when I really need a day off. From everything.

Surprisingly, there's nothing much to blog about today.
Almost everything is off my mind, since it's a Sunday.
Come Monday, Imma rush through my D&T shitxz. Yeah.

Oh wait. Did I just mentioned Sunday?
Well, it IS a typical monotonous Sunday after all,
but today marks a special day in my life.
Six months and counting. How far will it go?
I don't know. Only God does. For now,
the only thing that matters right now is
quality. Everyone deserves to be loved, right?
And here I am, enjoying and receiving every bit
of love I receive from this wonderfully adorable
highly intellectual(NOT), and not to mention
the 1st most annoying thing in life
, girl named

I think she's the besterestest gift I've ever received from God.


P.S. I think this's a miserably pathetic post.
My mind is currently switched off.
I. Can't. Think.

7/05/2008 10:27:00 PM
I don't know already. I thought being a companion who listens to you,
understands your needs and cares about how you feel, was enough already.
But I was wrong. Or so I thought. Life can never be fair, can it?
I think I know the reason why. God made us each a unique individual.
We have our talents. We have our intelligence. We have our personalities.
But then again, each individual was meant for another. What do I mean?
I'm saying that, God made us, specifically, for someone else. And it
isn't a mix-and-match game. It's a once in a lifetime occurrence.
Meeting and getting to know that special someone. And that special
someone is going to be your life partner. For as long as you're alive, that is.

Let's get back on track. What I'm trying to say is that, if I were made
specifically and specially for that someone, obviously I wouldn't be out
there searching for her. It'll come. And you all know that.
Reality check: Look at how old we are right now. We're not even
adults yet.
It's normal for someone at this age to be in "love" with someone else.
And when it happens, it might just go away easily after a period of time.
And sooner or later, while gradually progressing through life, that he or she
will simply emerge and be yours.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't get what I'm talking about.
Maybe it's just gibberish. Yes, I do hope it is.

We've been together for 6 months already.
What does it mean? Idk, but I know our feelings
for each other will always remain strong as ever.
Nothing can do shit. Trust me, nothing.
And when I mean nothing, I mean nothing at all.
Talking to another girl?
Going out with another guy?
Personally, I feel that there's nothing that can get
in our way. Whatever it is, and whoever,
we'll still come to this certain point in which
we accept and respect each other's decision and so on.

In other words, it doesn't mean that since I'm with this girl,
I can't do what any other guy can do. In terms of socialising that is.
I'm still the guy you can talk to, but I know, that God presented me
the right one and there's no need for me to find anyone else.


7/05/2008 08:02:00 PM
ouhhhh fuck.
im addicted to ponytailparades.esp the acoustic one.its just sad that it cant be done half as good as the original singers.damn!

and the lyrics are fucking.true. not those sweet dreamy ones.but sweet true ones.

and i just read a poem.about love.again, not those dreamy ones.but true real life themed. about how love is a manifestation of the heart. and somehow even if it seems to be so much about the other half, its all about how much youre afraid of losing much someone's love affects YOU. how much YOU cant live without that someone.gets ya thinking aye? yes its weird and ouh so contradictory. but i know all of us, even me, believe strongly and wants to, that love is something pure.something so beautiful. a miracle.

This I like.
7/05/2008 05:10:00 PM

Vegas Skies - The Cab.

It's twelve o' clock and I need your attention
It's like the alcohol making my head spin
Your scent is the rum. the room is a bottle
Keeping me hopeless 'til I wake tomorrow

And if tonight ever makes a difference
The way that I feel the way that I'll remember it
I'll take this down until the glass remains
Swallow the words that I was meant to say

It's a long drive back to Vegas skies
So why don't I make one more wrong turn tonight, so

Say goodnight our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We'll stop the clock together
And know that the timing was right

All of these guards they stand tall and defensive
Putting up walls around what was once innocent
It won't let me in, but I'm stronger than that
'Cause you stole my eyes and I've never looked back

Girl, last night I forgot to mention
The way that I feel, the way that I'll remember this
When we're this young, we have nothing to lose
We're just the clock to beat and a hand to choose

It's a long drive back to Vegas skies
So I don't, I make one more wrong turn tonight, so

Say goodnight our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We'll stop the clock together
And know that the timing was right

It's a long way down
Just fall into place and you'll fall into me
We'll make it out you'll see

So, say goodnight, our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We'll stop the clock together

And say goodnight, our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We'll stop the clock together
And know that the timing was right


End of Week 2.
7/05/2008 12:00:00 AM
Official end of my second week of school since holidays ended.
One word to describe it : Fucked. What else can I say?
Exciting? Fascinating? Wondrous? Hell no. School have always
been boring as hell. Except the friends part. And recess.
I love eating, mind you. To add on to that, whatever happened
after school hours also played in part in it, but heck. I've
never felt better after seeing that joyful smile of hers.
A presence that never fails to bring sincere joy to my heart.
Other than that, I have bad mood swings(?). Yep, I do.
Anyway, is it socially wrong for a person like me to be
nice and friendly towards people? Especially girls.
It's just my nature I guess? And that's how I found Anisa.
Though we went through a whole lot of shit, I can honestly
tell you I love her with all my heart. Nothing can possibly
set us apart. Well, maybe only one thing, and that's God.

I'm still wondering why there are people out there thinking
that it's such a crime to widen your social circle when you're
already attached or so. Is it? Maybe you must be thinking,
"Good God, you already have this hottie, why are you even
interested in others?"
My answer's simple. I like to socialise. In fact, I would wanna
meet people from every walks of life. I'm not trying to make
a name out of myself. I'm just being myself. That's what I am.

My posts have been really random for the past few days.
I'm still wondering why.


Does paranoia help?
7/03/2008 10:51:00 PM
Help me answer that. I've lots of questions concerning that.
Like, does it help me realise my strengths and weaknesses?
Does it help one be more confident of something some other time?
And so on. Yeah. Today's not the day for me. And I don't feel like
attending school tomorrow. No questions about that.

I need to know how to manage my stress.
I need to learn to be more efficient.
I need to understand what I need.
In which that part, I feel I am lacking of.

There's nothing up for us tomorrow noon, so we'll be heading off somewhere.
Hopefully. If everything goes according to as planned, I'll enjoy my Friday.
Now's the best time to say, TGIF. Which stands for, thank god it's Friday.
Why? Because my fucked up week is ending. But then again, my weekend
won't be any less miserable. WAIT. NCC ain't miserably pathetic after all.
It's worth the time spent. Trust me. And shitfuck, my voice isn't healing.

Anyway, like I said to hun, the thing that I'm experiencing now is something
called "holidaylag". A derived form of the word, "jetlag". I mean the meaning.
Like, for jetlag, it's the time zone difference that's giving you the fatigue and shit.
For me, it's the whole transition from holidays to OBS to school. It's just moving
too fast. I'm the type of person who needs time in between. I can't change
my mindset at that rate. If not, I'll be what I am now. Stagnant.

Oh fuck. I still have D&T to do.


7/03/2008 09:35:00 PM
hahahahaha becaus eof hasif im stuck to this song.
i love the song.the lyrics.the video, the story, the chicks in the video toooo. ouh and the concept it is..:)
btw chicks in there are daaang.

I'm not progressing.
7/02/2008 11:01:00 PM
I really am not. And no doubt I feel very disappointed by that.
I just don't know why I can't be a new person. I know I am not
who I am. I know I am more capable than what I am right now,
but it's just that at this point of time, that part of me is still
concealing itself. And it doesn't wanna surface. I'm so annoyed.

Concerning the past few days, I'd say that everything went as
according to as planned, and such. Tuesday, the PC part. Heh.
Being a PC (Parade Commander) wasn't as easy as I thought.
After all, I only had one bloody day of rehearsal with Daniel.
NCC Day. 1st July 08. 7+am. I shouted my lungs out, yes.
We were a nervous wreck on the day itself, thank you.

And now, I'm still deciding, on which subject should I really
concentrate on. For that, I mean, my 6th subject in the L1R5
scoring system shit, which is either A Math, or D&T.
Personally, I'm thinking of concentrating on D&T more,
since I very well know myself that I really suck at both
Maths, but then again, everyone's the opposite. As in
my peeps of course. They all seem to be looking at the
opposite direction, which is concentrating on A Math instead.
Why? The answer's simple. They're all better at Math,
while I'm not. I'm too dumb to understand the simplest
things. And focusing on either one of them, in my opinion, is
much much better than dropping. Consider it a big decision.
And it's difficult to make, especially for someone like me.

So I guess, I'm not going anywhere after all. I'm just being that
stagnant me all over again. Nothing can bring me anywhere.

"Decisions in life are the hardest to make, cos it will either take you a huge step back, or a giant leap forward." -


PS. Anisa, I really love you no matter what.
It's not what we do, it's what we have for each other.