cause lately we've

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Amirah Aytie Atiqah A. Fatiha Fiany

Suliana Syazrin Hyrah Raidah

Dzul's Peekchures!

February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009



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11/29/2008 10:17:00 AM
[ Lamb of God's new album “Wrath” will be released on

February 24. ] -

Taken from



What do you do, when you're plain bored?

Listen to music of course!

What kind of genre?



Let me show you how certain people handle boredom through music.

Boneyards - Parkway Drive

This is for people like me.
Hard, straight-to-the-face metal.
Aussie metal, in fact.

I must say I truly enjoy listening to this kind of shit.
Trust me, it's stress-relieving.

Miss Sunshine - Postbox (cover)

This is for people like Dzul.
Those who prefers clean vocals, strings, and plain ol record-via-a-camcorder.

Yeah, but anyway I like it too.
Postbox ftw! Support local music!

Well, for Ahmad Adi, I really don't know.
He can be pretty random at times (just like me), so you won't know for sure what he's up to, aye?

OH yeah, I forgot to put in...


Dead Disco - Metric

Listen, listen, listen, kay?



11/28/2008 03:26:00 PM
I miss Anisa. ALOT.
5 more days till her return.

Somehow, there're these certain people who suddenly make me miss her alot.


ANYWAY, upcoming events for me, myself & I.

5th December, Friday.

International Superheroes of Metalcore!
(Check previous posts)

6th December, Saturday.

School Invasion Tour Finale:
"In Rock We Trust!"


Sat 6 Dec 2008

Time: 5:30pm to 11pm

Venue: Singapore Polytechnic, Convention Centre

(its the building which is right beside and linked to Dover MRT)

Cost: $12 presale and $15 at the door

(for pre-sale ticket orders, please email

with your name, contact number and number of tickets to be bought)

Band lineup:
School Invasion Tour bands:
- West Grand Boulevard
- Caracal

- Allura
- The Fire Fight
- A Vacant Affair
- Jack and Rai

With guest performances by:
- Plainsunset
- Force Vomit

The school invasion tour finale is also done in conjunction with the 'Rock For Wayne' DVD preview. Be the firsts in Singapore to catch this exclusive preview to the long awaited 'Rock For Wayne' DVD. The 'Rock For Wayne' DVD is produced by Gilarock Productions.

Can't wait for this shizz.


11/27/2008 10:13:00 AM

Hello everyone.

I procrastinated, again. Supposed to post yesterday but it didn't happen. Anyway, Im gonna post about our little Tuesday outing to Arep's kampong. The place where he was brought up to be what he is now : Singapore Zoo!
It's a pity that Dzul couldn't make it, but heck that, it was still enjoyable.
Since I took most of the photographs (Using Syaz's G9), I'll let them do the talking. :D

Supposed meeting time/place : 9am @ Lia's bus stop.
Time we met : 1030am.
And we reached Yishun @ 11+ when we were supposed to go to AMK instead.

Ahmad's sad that we reached late, but...

Ahmad here seems to be happy that we reached the wrong place.

Approximately 30++ minutes later (which consisted of the bloody long bus ride and Arep-kene-kutok-rabak2-pasal-zoo comments)...

We've reached Mandai Road! Eh, no, I meant, SINGAPORE ZOO! (Arep's kampong)
And here we have Lia posing with the big logo in the background. (Supposedly candid)

Mak seems to be anxious.
"Kite dah sampai. Ntah tempat betol tak."

But nah, we got the right place at the right time.

We entered the ZOO thanks to Arep, special guest kan orang kater.
Visiting on social pass. (whatever)

No la, let's all thank him for his 8 free tickets.
Without him, eh wait.

Without him, would it make any difference? (XD no laaa w/o him we wouldn't even be there at first)

So alright, we headed off to the first enclosure(?), and there's some hippo lazing arond with this.
Ooooh dragonflies mating. Weird. They even managed to fly around while f*cking.

We came across and poster and OMG, Arep's baby picture. Looks JUST LIKE HIM. (The small brown one yeah)
Well he's all grown up now.

Otters make funny noises. "UH UH UH UH UH" (Failed attempt)
Sometimes you just can't imitate animals' call. Or whatever.

OH and I forgot to mention the photographer of the day, ME!
As usual.

Then came along a few of them who tried to be one.
Tapi tak menjadi. (Joking :D)

We walked past the white tigers where the cleaner was killed and we came across this jeep that Ahmad thought could work.

As you can see in this picture, Arep's expression shows that someone behind him apparently jammed the handbrake/gearknob in his ass. (Should be Syaz)

This picture depicts a scene where Arep attempts to snap a photo of a joey (Baby kangaroo) shitting. More of constipating. Yeah.
The whole lot of us actually witnessed this bugger dropping two tiny pieces of shit.

We reached the Australian something (Raidah!) and we saw this box which was quite big and OMFG AHMAD CAME OUT OF IT.
But how could that be?! He was with us all along!

"Oh that's his long lost brother from Aussie la" - someone.

We figured that since Ahmad could fit in it, or rather appear from it, we decided to give it a go.
Epic fail.

Ahmad took up half the space of the crate.

*No comments*

But wait, here's the place where we became models for a moment.
Presenting... (DRUMROLL PLEASE)


The fold-your-arms-and-step-berg-macam-Farris pose.

And then moving on to...
The different-types-of-female-model pose.

Except for Ahmad.
Guess he lost his centre of gravity for a moment.

The zomfg-candid-giler-with-Hasif-trying-smack-Mad's-dick pose.

'Nuff said.

But then, as per normal, there are the girls who also wanna be like us.
Tapi ni case model betol nye.

Nak tangkap glamour nye pasal kannnn.

This, I have no comments too.
EMXCI with her yoga-ish candid shot.

"Tu pat M'sia, bangang"

This is Mother Nature at her best.
Small ants dominating this slimy icky earthworm so easily.

*pours water over it*


OH and GUESS WHAT? We finally found his hometown!
We actually wanted to take pics of his members and all you know, but one of our cameras got snatched by one of his members, resulting in a clash y'know.

(He's actually posing for the rest too)

Yeah, basically, squirrels.


There you see the chipmunks lepak-ing one corner, without their trademark hat and shirt.
Or whatever that is.

Oooooh. So scary. This guy came out of nowhere from the water, staring at us with his cold eyes.
So anti-climax after looking at ze squirrels.

Mr. Meanie-eyes-tapi-muker-stone-giler-bab.

*runs away*...

To a vending machine. And I got the shock of my life, I swear.
Fucking 500ml bottle of Coca-Cola sold at $3?!
I can get one for like $1. (-_-")
Man, these poor tourists are getting ripped off so easily.

Or is it because of the downturn in economy?

We reached the Kiddaye whatsoever area and saw this!
Amazing. So cool.
Yeah fuck it.
Bloody 8 people on the thing cannot even move.
So I got off it.

As usual.

We looked around, finding a nice place to chill and lepak but what the hell.
Spotted this, this, cable riding thing that was obsolete at Pasir Ris Park.

No wait, there's still this thingy thing infact.

Our childish hormones kicked in and got the better of us, hence, riding it non-stop.

I swear that they're deprived.

Oh sorry, it's my turn.


le sigh.

Swinging like a monyet. Monkey.

And there's actually a pic where me & Mad were hugging that yellow pole in the background.
Gay-ness, I swear.

Alright now, that's the end of the pictory.
Pic + story, geddit? Never mind.

Yeah, after that we took 138, headed back to AMK, took 22, alot of crap on the bus, reached Tampines, took 3, reached Pasir Ris, walked to Central to buy dinner, Hyrah left, went to Lia's place, Dzul came, Syaz left, we ate, we talked, we stuff-ed, then we talked and talked till it was time to head back.

Uhuh. It's funny that I actually didn't touch Syaz's G9 after the zoo.
If not for that, this post would've been wasting bandwidth.

Well, alot of drama mama, laugther, joy, fatigue-ness, and whatsoever, AND also the epic story at Lia's place. Let's not elaborate on that further aight.

Overall, the trip was fun, & if not for Dzul's absence, it would've been better.
Looking forward to the next trip with all this pepo yo.


(I took at least an hour to complete this fucking post. Be thankful.)


11/26/2008 01:00:00 AM
Its all hidden.
so deep.
what do you know?



11/24/2008 11:06:00 PM
told ya. and hasif agrees.
well i tried to get the more clothing kelly hu. but well, hahahah
dont tell me shes not pretty
yea i think shes hot.
i think shes cute.but not in this take.but i like this all i-dont-give-a-rat's=ass written all over her face.

since hasif dusnt trust my taste for celebrities, well i SHOULD post pictures.
and hasif fcuk u u said rebecca was hot .u dick.XD

ahmad me, i tried.hehehe


11/23/2008 10:09:00 PM

That's the way Mad. My wack face, again.
I'm getting recognised on the net. WOOHOO.

Hahaha anyway, hello.
I'm back from my leisure camp. Uhuh.
Supposed to be 3 days 2 night but I'm too lazy so I headed back today. :D
And also solely because I wanna see Anisa off the first thing tomorrow morning.
10 days at China for god-knows-what softball thing.
I'd rather her not to go, but her mom obviously thinks otherwise.
Hell, she's right anyway. 10 days is really nothing compared to fucken 10 months.
Just said the truth right there.

I'm here enjoying the comfort of my home, and the rest of my friends are at school
Stupid stupid camp.
I did nothing except to sleep, watch movies, eat, lepak, soccer.
That's all.


ANYWAY, I suddenly had the urge to do, this random shit quiz thing.

List 10 random facts about yourself:

  1. I listen to any genre of music.
  2. I am a Jack of all trades, but a master of none. Especially when it comes to musical instruments. (HEH.)
  3. I love shopping. :o
  4. I like guys and girls. (OMFG THE HORROR!)
  5. I love sitting by the beach, playing music and just chilling.
  6. I am a bad procrastinator. (Lazy ass.)
  7. I am quite unfit at the moment. (Like, seriously.)
  8. I love everyone that are closest to me. (<3)>
  9. I am into a lot of shit eg. music, guitar, photography, graphic designing, gaming, IT gadgets, cars, bikes and etc. (HELL YEAH!)
  10. I can go crazy sometimes. :D

That's what I call random.

List 9 characteristics of your dream gf/bf:

I don't have to cos I have her already.


List 8 things you would love to do before you die:

  1. I would wanna explore every single corner of the world, but that's impossible. (Jeez, that sucks. )
  2. I wanna perform in a gig with my best buds. (YEAH.)
  3. I wanna catch all my favourite bands in a single gig. ( \m/ )
  4. I wanna have kids. (Duh.)
  5. I wanna bring my parents on a nice trip somewhere far. (Hopefully, yeah.)
  6. I wanna release an album or an EP at least. (Local music FTW.)
  7. I wanna head to Amsterdam! (Weed, weed & more weed.)
  8. And also achieve something big that nobody would expect me to. (HAHA.)
Blah, let's move on...

List 7 of your celebrity crushes: (In no specific order yeah.) (& WHY SEVEN ONLY?!)

  1. Jessica Biel (J.T.'s so fucken lucky.)
  2. Katy Perry (Boobies.)
  3. Adriana Francesca Lima (MODELS YEAH!)
  4. Audrina Paltridge (THE HILLS!)
  5. Agyness Deyn (Cute like hell omfg.)
  6. Maria Ozawa (HAHAHAHA)
  7. Angelina Jolie (MILF la sia.)
  8. Jessica Alba (Another MILF also!)
  9. Alice Glass (Crystal Castles woohoo!) but I can't find a decent pic of her. :/
Oops, I think I exceeded, BUT WHO GIVES A DAMN YEAH?

List 6 items which means a lot to you:

Everything that I own, means a lot to me.

List 5 songs which is stuck in your head currently:

  1. Believe - The Bravery (BELIEEEEEVE!)
  2. Combat Baby - Metric (Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
  3. Composure - August Burns Red (*headbangs*)
  4. We're Not The Same - A Vacant Affair (*still headbanging*)
  5. Nothing Else Matters - Metallica (*mabok from headbanging*)
Moving on to...

List 4 of your favourite clothes:

  1. My berms.
  2. Jeans.
  3. Plain ol coloured tees.
  4. Polos.
I'm a casual dresser yo.

List 3 food you crave for currently:

  1. That stacker burger from Burger King.
  2. Ben's & Jerry's Ice Cream. ANY.
  3. Just food.
Fucken hungry right now, no more comments for every no.

List 2 of your wishes:

  1. I wish for world peace, the end of global warming & Singapore to have a non-Chinese PM. (LMAOOOO.)
  2. I wish for another 1000 years in my life so that I can see what's gonna happen in the future.

List 1 of your crushes:

Can't say it here cos Anisa will see this. XD


11/23/2008 12:19:00 PM

force majeure. picture by DonaldSPS.
there you go.another wack hasif pic. and he's gettin worked up. That's the first time i saw him completely worked up at a gig mind you. WASTED. and the first picture, im at the back XD ugly.XD pointing index finger.gahh and to think that's the only picture of me. shouldve headbanged like hasif.muahahahaha



11/22/2008 12:08:00 AM
heyy guys.
you know i realise something about people.
not today.but i just remembered to blog it down today.

no matter how much people seem to be the same, they are different.
and no matter how different people are, theyre the same.
as in you can put them in one category.
its weird.

well today raidah came back here.
and me arif shah and dzul went to the airport. met her awhile and we lepaked coz she went home.
mz was there with her guy.
idk why but that sounds weird.
like.idk y. ______ with his gerl/with her guy sounds weird.
ok so yeaa then we went downtown east to meet the others.ate. and then just hungout.
great reunion.
she'll be here fr two months so dope ah



11/20/2008 07:35:00 PM

List 10 random facts about yourself:

1. Im fat.

2.Im hairy.actually not so.

3.I can be reeeeaaaally irritating if i disturb you at the wrong time.

4.I love music.

5.I love my buds.

6.I am not afraid of wearing pink

7. i HATE boxers.

8.I am not a matrep.

9.I LOVE shisha.

10. Im the only single one here yeaayyyyy :)))))

not so random sial.and short.ah heck i suck at thinking about random and about myself.

List 9 characteristics of your dream gf/bf:

1. funny/can joke
2. understanding
3. honest
4. Open-minded
5. supportive
6. caring
7. fun and outgoing
8. haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
9. and haaaaaaaaaaaa


List 8 things you would love to do before you die:

1. fight in a ring/octagon(sp?) infront of an audience
2. watch fav acts like LoG, AILD(CCB LAMC) and many more
3. perform a song
4. do something sweet big and great for a girl.
5. seriously fcukup the people i hate(i hate very few ppl mind you(so its obviously the things THEY do))
6. Go to another country with mates.(thatiland or amsterdam anyone????)

7. thank mum and dad
8. achieve something that nobody would expect ahmad to avhieve.

List 7 of your celebrity crushes:

1. kelly hu
2. bobbie thompson
3. emma de caunes
4. sophie marceau
5. megan fox
6. rebecca tan WOOOPS
7. Katy Perry

List 6 items which means a lot to you:

1. my guitar picks
2. my guitar.
3. my L.U letter.summon letter
4. wallet?.
5. haaaa.
6. haaaaaaa.

List 5 songs which is stuck in your head currently:

1. crimewave-crystal castles
2. a moment-postbox
3. i kissed a girl-katy perry
4. idk
5. idk

List 4 of your favourite clothes:

1. collar tees.
2. bermudas
3. shirts
4. shorts! hahahaha i use em when im not going anywhere far

List 3 food you crave for currently:

1. eh cool
2. im not
3. craving anything

List 2 of your wishes:

1. the world was not one with segregation, politics, inbalance of money and much more.
2. was born in a period of great musical breakthrough. or even the glory days of SHC

List 1 of your crushes

1. oreo crush.



11/20/2008 12:39:00 AM
Mad, you never learn your lesson do you.

Anyway, upcoming events would be :

Malay Chalet, Tomorrow!
NCC Camp, 22-24 Nov
Trip to Malacca, TBC
Underage Zouk party, 1st Dec
Metalcore gig, 5th Dec

Yeah. That's pretty much sums up what's gonna happen for me.
A few things that I'd point out ;
Exemption of LIME Sonic Bang this year,
and the fucking Taste of Chaos.
Don't wanna talk about it.
Fucking good gigs that I could've attended, but noooooo.
God's against me.

Oh well, I'm geared up for tomorrow HELL YEAAAH.



11/19/2008 08:17:00 PM
ok la old but i just re-realised it.
muahahahaha used to be a fav.
hasif send me puhleaassseeeeee

11/19/2008 01:04:00 PM
temporary screen.mum bought new comp and this screen is temporary.
fucking pathetic if comp is actually not damaged but screen is effed up.
weekend trip was FCUKING FCUKING DOPE!
but my lip is still torn.
now im wondering if it needs stitches.HAH!

haaaaaaaaaaa.pain sial.
and it makes my lip look retarded.
but i scared if i send to stitches then will look like bambam.
for those of you who ride, you know who he is.

and yesterday went the endurance trail.fucking tiring sial.
i dont know ah.walked a distance before that so not sure if really tired.

and YES gig. i fucking love after the sky.
ebony's call is dope.
and for beter endings is no werse WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! wild.
hope there's a big turnout.really.
if not become like mosh party2 first night.

no pictures ah. got but cant put.haaaaaaaaaa.
later or sth ah.some other time.



11/17/2008 08:10:00 PM

Here's a link.

YES. If only I can jam with her.
The only girl drummer I'm aware of now is, Marissa(?).
Yep. Poor thing. I'm depraved of musically proficient friends.
I wanna enlarge my circle of friends though, but they seem to be linked back to
my 1st & 2nd degree friends.

& whateverthefuck happened to Friendster?
Time to move on to Facebook, guys.


11/17/2008 09:12:00 AM

Come dressed as your favourite superhero and get in for $5!

Aussie Metalcore!
Rumah Seri, Malay Village, nearest MRT Paya Lebar
starts 5pm on 5 Dec 2008

After The Sky
Ebony's Call
For Better Endings

Gerek pe.


Have you ever wondered?
11/16/2008 11:10:00 PM
have you ever wondered
Why I dont post much

Have you ever wondered
Why Ahmad has so much hair

Have you ever wondered
Why Anisa looks pretty and Hasif looks fucking wack eventhough they are doing the same expression

Now I wonder
Does anyone even read this stuff?


Kurang ajar
11/16/2008 11:03:00 PM
I dont fucking understand why
In some peoples blogs
This damn blog
Is linked as
It's Dzul AND Hasif AND Ahmad
Those of you who feel affected by this post
change your damn links



11/13/2008 10:54:00 PM
I like to move it move it.
She like to move it move it.

He like to move it move it.

We like to...


Penguins = dope.
Especially when they can fly planes.

Anyway, eventful day today. Love you babe. Owe you so much already. :B
Actually, there's nothing much to post about.
I hate describing my days. I prefer to post about much more random stuff.
Recalling what's done everyday eats up alot of my brain cells, that's why I steer away from it.


This's why I love her.


To Ahmad & Dzul, I'm so sorry.