cause lately we've

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Amirah Aytie Atiqah A. Fatiha Fiany

Suliana Syazrin Hyrah Raidah

Dzul's Peekchures!

February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009



Now, I would gladly appreciate if you kept this section untouched. We all like honest people now, don't we.
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12/30/2008 10:00:00 PM

Here comes the....



year, 2009.
Doesn't really matter to anyone, does it?



12/30/2008 05:21:00 PM
Hmmm. I think I will support Hasif's cause to spread the word to not fucking come to school on Friday
I too think that the idea of school reopening on a Friday is a fucking waste of my fucking time because it's only a short day
MOE is stupid

(Imagine the tune of Katy Perry's I kissed a girl)
I kised a guy and I
(Now turn it into screa-fucking-mo)
Chalet's could spiral into a whole cluster fuck
Nasty shitnizzes

I miss Ain
Like what like that

I love Ain(:


PS: I love Ain so much. Not shitting you. Really

12/30/2008 10:44:00 AM
And i thought the winds have changed.turned out its still the same.maybe only seemingly less strong.seemingly.or maybe really just alil weaker.

haaaaaaaaa.chalet-ed(new word guys) at husayn's.
was dope.4 guys me hasif husayn and fahmi(i nearly typed chalet as one of the names.yes thats how sleepy i am)
of course i was the only one who didnt take a short nap. kudos to the others for staying up to. imagine me all by myself at a chalet.god.

and yesterday i did something ive never dreamt of and never wanted to do.ever.
they're still making fun of me now.nabuays.

and yesterday i met new people too.

ok this part is weird.coz it refers to someone. someone i dont in i dont know and have never talked to.and taht someone prolly and certainly dusnt read this blog. but i dont know why i just feel like saying here goes.

gees wake deserve better.and obviously(and proven and backed up) you deserve better. cmon. we all worry(even if i dont know you) that once you get inside and involved, everything will spiral down.gee ive been through that shithole. even if it isnt exactly the same as what u may fall in,
i mean geees just dont get involved.wont do you any yea.i know you will not come across this.and by the way i dont know this is just an can take it as advice or just ignore too. at least be wary.

haaaaaaaaaa that's my part.

and actually to be very honest(though i dont realy know why i wanted to do this), i wanted to ask from husayn too. but i figured he prolly still has sth for her(i dont know) and its just by instinct. okay maybe i made a loss.i mean its not a big loss.not a small loss either.i mean. NOT A LOSS OKAY.
but missed a chance?hah maybe that's the term to use. but im not sad or anything.i just realised that i am sensitive of my bud's feelings. and i am not that blunt.

so there you story, my piece of random thought and my recommendation(for myself) for the angel of the month award. anybody care to back that up?;)



12/29/2008 02:48:00 PM
EH im BOOOORED please ah faster time pass by i wanna go chalet.
gahh. and i woke up at 1.30pm.
after sleeping at 4.00am yesterday.
studied till 2+(YES STUDY)(i cant believe it myself)
and then watched bmx pig.turned out i watched that episode already.
indian air seatgrab x-up.
thats 3 air tricks for even tobias wicke bailed.bailed bad.
there were some tricks that were just impossible and thus the groups did not attempt.flair, no-handed flair, no footer backflip.
sick tricks.

and i still like the kill-30 seconds of mars.
it doesnt bore me till now.

im trying to be random ah.
not being random.
that's a different thing.
only a few people have seen in my random state.

hops.tonight got soccer anot?but its monday night.should be dont have.
den at chalet do what sehh.i senkit like fuck already.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.i think im going crazy.

n gahhhhhhh stupid mediacorp and utt go advertise my countdown plan.nabehhhhh.i dont care, even if he's not a lahabao by blood, im classifying him under lahabao.he's proly the general.ccb.


12/29/2008 12:06:00 AM
One reason why I hate to be residing & studying in Singapore :
People here are fucking kiasu x 5000. (Heh)
The year 2009 kicks off with a Thursday and then Friday, thus, most of the schools in fact are reopening on Friday.

Like, what the fuck?
Why the fuck do you have to reopen on the end of a week when you're gonna have a weekend break before starting school again?
Is the MOE fucking stupid or what? Ha.
You start school on a Friday, then have a weekend break for what? For nuts ah.
Cheebs la these cheenapiangs. Buto peh lahabaos.
This is so fucking ridiculous.
Bet you that half of St. Pats ain't coming to school on Friday.
Trust me on that. So gonna ask A.H.

If possible, I'm gonna spread the message and tell everyone to pon the first day of school. WOOHOO.

Yes, this entire random post is entirely random thanks to a short random convo between me and Anisa, which prompted me to post this entirely random post randomly.

Thank you. I hope you dickheads get what I mean by ponning school this Friday.
I swear that Singapore is fucking dumb when it comes to making decisions.

I love Anisa.


PS; I really love Anisa. And I'm just ranting lah, don't take things so seriously. (:


12/28/2008 11:21:00 PM
2008 is coming to an end.

A new chapter's about to unfold.



12/27/2008 12:30:00 AM
another one.

She shut her eyes.
I touched her lips.
Whispering softly the words
that made my heart skip.

She put on a smile,
Her eyes now like stars.
She was silent for awhile,

stuck agn.omg.why am i even writing this shiet.c'mon mad, diff theme.


12/27/2008 12:15:00 AM
hasif i need my book back.
ok so here's another attempt.ouhh and its not really a poem.
its a draft for lyrics.thus, different structures and suchs.

Why do i find it,
so hard to say it all.
Just three words,
but it always end up stalled.

To utter them,
just reciting those words.
Weakens my knees,
and trembles my lips.

Wait for the right moment,
then all will run smooth.
But the right moment never comes,

ah shiet im stuck.haaaaaaaaa one time it flows.once i write em down i get stuck.fuck.

Wait for the right moment,
then all will run smooth.
But the right moment never comes,
(maybe it only does for some?)

Soothen me,
calm me down.
Soften my lips,
I wanna take away that frown.

Hold me still,
take away the thrill.
Cause these words don't come out easy.
(It is a big deal.)

argh fish.nvm will continue that thought.


12/23/2008 08:31:00 PM


Haha. Every start of the year, there'll always be some sort of superpower hero action packed movie to kick off the year. For example, Jumper this year, for 2007, IDK. And there's Push for next year.

Jumper la, Push la, macam-macam la these directors.

They say, Heroes ripped off X-Men, then Jumper ripped off Heroes, then Push ripped off Heroes & X-Men.
Crap. Just watch and enjoy la, knnccb. I must admit that I'm an ardent fan of Heroes though.
Fucking gerek man.

Sorry for the late updates fellow readers, my desktop died the other day and I got it revived today thanks to Dad (for once!). Glad he decided to be sane and restored it.

Well, it's coming the end of the holidays, and, I'm not really prepared for Sec 4 life, at all.
There's still more to come this week, before I officially announce the end of my fucking mundane holidays.

Oh and btw, this is what you do when you have a 1.5l green tea bottle which is half-filled and a stick of cigarette at your disposal.

Cheers. (:
(I can't turn it clockwise btw)


12/23/2008 05:13:00 PM
gee im having cold sweat.haaaaaaaa
still alil sick i guess.
but managed to lepak awhile.
with ahmad and hasif who came late.haaaaaaa.

why seh?i dont understand.

and fought with dad again yesterday.
the previous time he had nothing in his hand.
yesterday it was one of my crutches.but he didnt use it.
i predict the next time its gna be a rumble.sigh.

he must be an could i fake my body temperature.
must be fucking stupid. otak kosong.
otak tin.
come one dad you can do better.
if i have a fever of at least 37.8(chcked at clinic), and i have to sit 2 hours in an airconditioned room.
you think i can focus on the fucking paper?
and you think i can fake a fucking fever?
if people could, i think ud be the only one in the family can, since you're such a great liar and faker.
so think again dad, was that argument early in the fucking morning necessary?

and dad, im so sick of being forced to live what YOU wanted to be.


Post 333
12/19/2008 11:06:00 PM

I think I am noisy, annoying and full of nonsense
I think that without me some of you people might actual be sane
I think I have the greatest group of friends
coz they go through THICK and THIN with me.
My friends are the greatest
And I think I sound gay for saying all of that

What do you get when you bring together a group of people who like to do nonsense in their free time, a crowded MRT and alot of murtabak,teh and fried chicken

You get one hell of an adventure


Lesson 101
12/19/2008 07:35:00 AM
What do you do when you're with a bunch of close friends, who are fucking crazy and dumb like you, but love to have fun together? *No offence intended*

I swear that yesterday night was fucking whack. Like seriously fucking whack.
Nothing beats having fun with Ahmad M, Ahmad H, Arep & Dzul. They're the only brudders who knows you. No one else does, trust me.
These buggers are the only guys you wanna know if you need some entertainment & joy in your life.
Especially Ahmad M & Dzul.

C'mon la, known them since they didn't have pubic hair, obviously I know them THAT well.

Yesterday was really eventful, though I was fucken tired.
Met up with Rai, her cous, Syaz & Mad and headed to Tamp for soccer, oh well, I'm too lazy to recall yesterday's events.
Ahmad's said enough already.

Meh, looking forward for today. :D

&Anisa's off to M'sia already, till next Friday. :(



12/18/2008 11:29:00 PM
i wna post a long one.i hope i can.
coz the previous post was screwed up.covering the taggie and shiet.
so anw, today was tiring, bad(not THAT bad ah actually), turned out to be fun wack and eventful and exercise-ful.
tiring coz went swimming again. wanted to play soccer but cuort full of matreps.
lols i wna see raii play sia.muahahaha.
i bet she's better than me though.
my primary school capt even said i "lost your(my) touch, completely"
ok so back on track, then me and hasif and husayn went to kembangan.
hasif disappeared(story is confidential)
and me and husayn went househunting.omg damn tiring.but it was okay.
i spotted a white r8, a house with a cool pool and lift too! fcuk.
then dzul and arep joined and we lepaked.
den re-met hasif, after that one is confidential too.
ok he paid our cash and we then ate tgthr.
den we headed to the mrt station and dzul became wacked.totally. started doing signs and stuffs.leave it to hasif or dzul to post that one yea.
overall, fucking eventful, tiring, fun day. DOPE

and i dont think she knows.n i bet she doesnt want to too. well :/



12/17/2008 10:30:00 PM

yeaaa.self-explanatory.vids alil wack though.

n i kinda found this sif.nice or whuuut.

12/17/2008 12:00:00 AM

shall not post for now because there's too many photos to upload at once.

And that sucks.



12/16/2008 09:39:00 PM
was going crazy

mcm phm.hahs.
i want to play soccer tomorrow in school.
but fcuking dangerous.

gee.i need a jamming session.
and i love acoustic sessions by the beach.



random ah.

and im still loving EYES SET TO KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12/14/2008 11:23:00 PM
It's sad that many are happily enjoying their DSLRs or Semi-pros (SPs) cameras at this point of time.

It's really sad that I have to make full use of my skills on other people's cameras. (Strangely, all of them are using Canon, 'cept for one though)

For example;

First off, you have Dzul's lovely Canon 1000D which he bought at $1.1k.
I like the feel of his cam. Kinda light.

Looks so classy. Feels so classy.
I prefer the buttons on this one. Flat buttons for people with fat fingers.
Miss this bugger though, Dzul's been keeping him away for ages. :O

Going on to...
Syaz's Powershot G9! Costed him $900+(?). The one which Ahmad loves so much, I think.
He wants a G10 badly though.

And I just realised how sexy this camera is. :B
Just look at those sharp curves and solid flat body.
Looks like a prosumer digicam but it takes awesome shots just like a DSLR's.

Next, we have...
Justyn's 400D. Kinda outdated cos he bought it quite a long time ago I think.
Not really sure how much it costed him but I'm guessing it's around $1.2k+?

Just used it just now, for the 2nd time since that night.
Well, it has a better feel than the 1000D but it's a tad bit heavier.

I find Canon camerohs damn sexy laaaaa.
Trademark solid matt black body, user-friendly interface, rugged feeling.
Ahhh, that Canon-ny shits.
Wished I could actually own one. Fuck it.

Last but not least, come Ariel's D60/D60x(?). Not really sure.

EDIT: EH NO, I JUST FOUND OUT. It's an outdated model, D50.
Realised it after I recalled that her DSLR had a small screen beside the shutter button.
But it's cool though. :O

Eh shit. You know, I just noticed, again.
Outdated models such as D80 & D70 all look the same. GAAAAH.
Confused, guess I have to ask the owner herself eh?


D80's rear.
D70's rear.

One thing about Nikon's that, they have that signature feel, that rough texture on every DSLR. Supposed to make it look rugged I guess, but nah, I still prefer Canon after so many tries.

Hurrah for Dzul, Justyn & Syaz.
What can I say, I'm Canon-influenced.

Chaocheebye. Stupid post full of camera nonsense.

Today was aokay.

Watched Liverpool's game against Hull last night.
Missed Man Utd's one against Spurs.
Fuck L'pool. Fuck Gerrard. No offence, but I thought Hull should've secured 3 points by 22nd minute after Carragher's OG.
And fuck Huerelho Gomes for saving Spurs.

Plan today was to head to Harbourfront with Josh & co. to fetch Novia from Batam, but in the end she reached S'pore at around 2pm, which led to me being so late. HAH.
Met Justyn around 4-5? Headed to Vivo to meet Ess. Josh & Nov came afterwards, left soon after though. Gee.
Headed to Justyn's place for fun.
And back at home now.
Fucken shagged.
& there's like soccer tomorrow with member2 in the FUCKIN' MORNING.



12/13/2008 08:54:00 PM
waaaa back.
not going to talk much coz got no mood.n i stink so bad i can smell myself. been out all day.
haaa aites.
i owe people money.
and the rest hasif has sstorryttellesdddnkvwdceq;c,mwedc OMF im becoming a la just that i wna end this post so fast im pressing the keys twice.
so anw , yeaa all is described in hasif's post. this year holiday more eventful than last's. last's was too much lpak.
and actually i wnted to writer sth else but frgt it.haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



12/10/2008 08:16:00 PM
Hello world.

It seems to me that, if I don't post, this blog feels pretty dead.
Anyway, sorry for the late update cos I've been preoccupied with certain
events lately.

I actually wanted to post last Friday though, after our sheesha(sp?) session.

Thursday 4/12/08

Sheesha with Mad, Sidd, Zhaf & Pathy at Haji Lane.
Met Anisa before that though, then met Mad on 12, then Pathy at Bugis.
We headed to Mosi Cafe at first, thinking that Deepak would be there,
but fuck, he was on vacation and that bitch who was serving us ended up
not letting us sheesha, telling us to go some other place to try.
Which at last, we got a space right beside Mosi Cafe, although it was another shop. Bitch.
Served her right. HAH.
Got cherry flavoured sheesha,
and oh well, I can't upload the pictures and I don't fucking know why.

After that, headed to Aljunied since Pathy's parents wanted to pick him up from there,
thinking he was from Pasir Ris. Jauh siol.
Walked around Geyland, blah blah blah, contraband cigarettes being sold openly (:o)
oh yeah, if you wanna get cheap ciggs, come down to Aljunied MRT around 9pm onwards,
walk down that road beside the station and you'll find assholes selling them there.

Alrighty, let's move on to...

Friday 5/12/08

Kinda eventful day? Ah fuck.
Solat as usual (AHEM2), headed to Husayn's place and got a load of "Left 4 Dead", gerek.
Met Ahmad, was supposed to head for the Superhero Gig, but ended up not going thanks to me.
I actually regret it now sial. Fuck. Stupid la no cash nye pasal. Ccb.
Anyway, we headed to Esplanade, which I found out afterwards that Anisa's bro was gonna perform there that night, at the Outdoor Theatre. FUCKING HELL.
So we decided to have dinner at Simpang. Hah.
Headed down back with Mad, met Anisa, blah blah blah, something happened to Mad (ZOMG),
headed back home.
Yeah, eh I think Thursday was much more eventful siol.

Saturday 6/12/08

Okay wait, one thing for sure, I DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM.
ANYWAY, it was the day that my parents went to Malacca!
Woohoo! Ultimate freedom! Well, not really. Fuck that, it's over.
Was supposed to go to Malacca, but *coughs*, I made up some shit so I didn't have to go.

It was Saturday, so we had our usual jamming session at Justyn's place BUT, I reached there fucking early cos I had nothing to do in the morning. Heh, heh.

Met Mad & Arep later on at, of all the places, Marina Barrage.
Absolutely nothing there. Waste of time, I tell you.
We headed to Singapore Poly afterwards for...


Gerek la sial.
Oh, and also, special thanks to Lydia for selling us the "pre-sale" tickets for $12 at the last minute.
HAH! Saved $9 altogether.
Bands like A Vacant Affair, Force Vomit, The Fire Fight, Caracal and so on, those regular local pepos had a hell of a night I tell you.
Baik la siaaaaaaaa. (a whole lot of chicks also, OOPS)

I still think the best set for the night was AVA. (I still think that the Weekend Trip was still one of the best shows)
Fucking hell yeah I think me & Mad are hardcore fans of them.

Here are some pics that I got from Donaldsps's Facebook album :

Matt screaming his ass off. \m/

As you can see, that's AREP in the pic. Fucker, always appear in pics somehow.

The "mosh" pit. Fucking small area between the seats and the stage, but hell, we still had fun anyway.
AREP in the pic again. =_=

Alas, all three of us, IN A ROW! How spectacular! How marvellous! HAHAHA. Well, that's obviously, Ahmad, Arep & me, clapping to the song err, shit I forgot, ah fuck it.

*Kudos to Donaldsps from Soft for these amazing shots. (:

Damn tired after moshing, headed to my cuz's place at Sembawang.
So fucking far from Dover.

Sunday 7/12/08

Angels & Airwaves gig at some NUS place!
Who the fuck cares anyway. HAHA.
Sunday, sunday, sunday, ahhh forget Sunday.

Monday 8/12/08

Mhmmm, Hari Raya Haji! The day my rents came back from Mer-lack-ah.
Yup yup.
Enjoyful day.
Bleah. :B

Tuesday 9/12/08

Soccer! With Mad, Arep, Farhan & his bro at Tampines.
Played at some street soccer court behind ESS. Easty Springy Sec, that is.
Some (ALOT ACTUALLY) matreps came afterwards and played with us.
Fucking matreps. Collected a pair of blisters on my feet anyway. Cheebs.
Met Anisa after that! She was from WS after meeting Shaleen. (OOOOH LIKE FINALLY).

Today! 10/12/08

Supposed to be soccer-ful day but some people couldn't make it.
Nabeh. Met Mad & Dzul (AT LAST) in the morning, headed to the same place as yesterday,
played awhile then some cheenapiangs came and played with us.
FUCKING CHEENA BOY. (No offence intended for those reading this blog, solely meant for those buggers who played with us)
Anyway, damn tired after that, walked around T-Mart, headed back PR, met Raidah & Syaz.
Ooooooh. :B
Got home first anyway, fucking hell sticky. Headed back to Central, lepaked with Mad, Dzul & Raidah since Syaz went already.

& now I'm at home.
Blah, with that Dad of mine.

Holidays, come and go, so fucking fast aye? Didn't even had the time to get a freaking job.


Fuck Friendster
12/07/2008 08:50:00 PM
Ah friendster sucks
Fuck trying to upload pictures for the 1000D
Too large and what shit la
WTF man
I used that I photo is bigger than 2 MB thing also cannot
Fuck friendster and all or its creators.

And I miss girlfriend
I haven't seen her for a month
A whole damn month
And if I don't see her on Tuesday
Imma be soo sad and upset and fucked up


Saw V
12/03/2008 10:16:00 AM
Gore, gore & gore.

Well, the whole movie (Saw V) actually had a meaning to it.

Including parts I, II, III & IV.

Yup. I've watched all of it, and I realised it's not just about gore & killing.
There's so much more to it.
(Btw, you can actually witness everything happening in the movie, eg. crushing of hands, slicing into half, beheading, slicing of hands and so on.)

No I'm not a sadist, the work of CGI/wax just amazes me.
Well, if you wanna know more, read on (YOU SHOULD!) :

Synopsis (of Saw V)

The film starts with Seth in the pendulum trap. The trap is later revealed to be unwinnable, but Seth is made to believe that the aim of the trap is for him to push buttons inside of two devices which would crush both of his hands before a bladed pendulum (intended to slice him in half) descends upon him. Meanwhile, Agent Strahm shoots Jeff and enters the room where Jigsaw died. After investigating and finding Jigsaw's corpse, the door is locked on Strahm. Strahm manages to exit through a secret door, and finds a recorder. The recording warns him he can find salvation or die in the room, and urges him to make the right choice. He disregards it, then is attacked by a figure in a pig mask. He wakes to find himself in one of Jigsaw's traps. His head is in a sealed box, which quickly starts to fill with water. Before he runs out of air, he performs a tracheotomy with the tube of a ballpoint pen in order to breathe. The police make it to the Gideon warehouse, and Hoffman emerges carrying Corbett, claiming that he saved her. Strahm is carried out on a stretcher, still alive, but badly injured. The next day the police hold a service for all the people who have died chasing Jigsaw. The Chief of Police announces that the Jigsaw murders are over. Jill is given a videotape and box from John's lawyer. The contents of the box, says John, are of grave importance to her. After looking in the box, Jill leaves without telling John's lawyer what's inside.

Strahm is shown mourning next to a empty hospital bed, because Perez died in the night. Hoffman walks into the room. Strahm starts to act strange and says that Perez's final word was "Hoffman." Hoffman worriedly says he has no idea what Strahm is talking about. He heads back to his office and finds a note for him saying "I know who you are." Hoffman gets worried that the fact that he may be in danger.

Meanwhile, five people wake up in a sewer, in a neck tie trap. This trap involves pulling against a cable to get a key at the end of the room to release themselves. The consequence for not completing the trap is to be beheaded. Mallack gets anxious and runs ahead, starting the timer. In the end, the whole group, except for Ashley, get their keys. Ashley is eventually beheaded by the blade once the cable is pulled tight. The group walk through a door to another room.

Strahm, contemplating what his deceased partner said, starts to go mad and heads over to FBI headquarters to find files on Hoffman. He finds a file saying that Hoffman's sister was murdered, and her killer (Seth) was killed in his trap, which was revealed to have taken place before the events of the first film. Strahm comes to the conclusion that Hoffman killed Seth, but staged it as a Jigsaw trap. A flashback depicting Hoffman looking at the pendulum trap ensues, as he was the person watching at the start of the film. A couple of weeks after Seth's death, Hoffman is kidnapped by Jigsaw. Jigsaw blackmails Hoffman into working for him, which Hoffman reluctantly agrees to. Hoffman is then shown, through flashbacks, setting up the house trap, talking to Jigsaw before the events of "Saw IV", and kidnapping Paul. By the end of these events, Hoffman is a willing apprentice to Jigsaw.

Back in the sewers, Charles, Mallick, Luba, and Brit make it to the next trap. In this trap, the group has to smash jars and find keys to enter bomb shelters before a bomb goes off in the sewer. Charles smashes Mallick's jar in an attempt to steal his key, but fails. Brit and Luba pick up keys. Mallick attempts to pick up a key but Charles steps in his hand and takes it. Just as Charles is about to enter his shelter, Luba hits him with a pole and gives the key back to Mallick. The trio enter the shelter and leave Charles to die by the explosion. Luba, Mallick, and Brit make it to their next test. In this test, they have to find a way for a cord of electricity to make it into a bath of water to complete a circuit opening the door to the next test, but the cord is not long enough to reach the bath, so they think they need to use a person's body. Luba tries to kill Mallick to use his body, but Brit stabs her in the neck, saying she never trusted her. Mallick and Brit use Luba's body for the electricity to reach the bath, and the door opens to their final test.

Meanwhile, Hoffman plants Strahm's cell phone at the house where Brit and Mallick's game is being held, in hopes to frame him. Strahm is now sure that Hoffman is Jigsaw's apprentice. Meanwhile, Brit and Mallick make it to their final test. In this test they have to stick their hands into saws and bleed into a beaker. When the beaker fills with their blood, they will be free to go. Before they start the test they realize that there are five saws, they then realize that everyone could have made it through every test alive, if hurt. Only one key was needed to unlock each neck restraint in the first trap, the bomb shelters had room for two in the second trap, and each person could have sustained a mild electric shock to complete the circuit in the third trap. It is also revealed that they were all connected by an act of arson that happened some time ago which resulted in the death's of 8 people. In the final test, each could have given just just two pints of blood each and easily lived. With no other options, Brit and Mallick begin sawing their arms in an attempt to fill the beaker meant for five with 10 pints of their blood. Just as Brit and Mallick fill the beaker with blood, finishing the final test, a FBI agent named Erickson (Strahm's superior whom Hoffman fooled into trailing Strahm's cell phone signal) makes to the scene. Both pass out from blood loss as Erickson calls for backup. It appears as though Brit and Mallick survived. FBI agent Erickson, having found the Jigsaw files Strahm took and his cell phone, issues an APB on Strahm, assuming him to be the other Jigsaw accomplice.

Strahm follows Hoffman to the location of the current game, and enters a room with a transparent box filled with broken glass and a recording. It urges Strahm to have trust and to get into the box. He'll be hurt, but has a chance at life. Strahm shuts off the tape when he hears Hoffman walking in the distance. Shortly after, Hoffman walks into the room and Strahm then comes from behind and shoves Hoffman into the box and seals him in. Hoffman signals for Strahm to play the rest of the tape. The rest of the tape starts to play and explains the rest of the rules to Strahm, making him realize he would have lived if he had gotten into the box, stating that if he wouldn't, the room would become his tomb, and he would simply "vanish". The walls begins to close in on the room as the glass box lowers into the floor, safe from the enclosing walls. Strahm attempts to break into the glass box by shooting it and trying to pull it open, but the glass material is impenetrable, leaving Strahm on the outside to be crushed by the walls. Strahm starts shouting at Hoffman, "I know who you are!". Soon the walls come close enough for Strahm to attempt in climbing up to the ceiling and escape by the roof filter, but it is too late, and he becomes slowly crushed by the walls while Hoffman watches Strahm getting crushed from down below. With all evidence planted to frame Strahm for being the next Jigsaw accomplice, Hoffman is now able to continue his work as the next Jigsaw, undetected, leaving the Jigsaw legacy pinpointed at Strahm who is in fact dead.

This is for the readers who can't take gorish sights.



12/02/2008 09:12:00 PM
Anisa's coming back in like...
20 fucking hours.

Hmm. 20 hours.
And I can't wait for that.
And I know there's nothing I could do to speed up time.


Note -
To all those who think I'm the type of hypocritical guy, deep inside me, I actually really do miss her alot. I just don't show it that much, alright?


I swear that this vid is fucking dope.
Makes you go "WOW".
Maybe not the whole video.

I love the band, I love the song, I love the aesthetics of this show, but,
I hate myself for not living at Liverpool.
I hate Liverpool FC anyway.

Anyway, you've seen people shredding on their guitars, soloing like mad,
and slapping their bass (no pun intended), making those groovy tunes,
and crashing and whacking their drumset, something like A. Husayn,
tell me you've never seen anything like this before :

There goes my random post for today, except for the first part though.



12/01/2008 11:20:00 AM
I miss Anisa Abdullah.
2nd daugther of Abdullah.
2nd eldest sibling of Abdullah.

I'm trying not to sound as cheesy as possible, but, I really fucking miss her.

This girl on the left.
She's shocked at the fact that I'm sorely missing her company right now.

Alah but she's happily smiling to herself at the fact that she'll be back by this wednesday.
Which is still like, 3 days away.

For all you know, she shiok-sendiri maen this swing until she forgot about me.

I still love her anyway.
You can't do anything.

Tapi at last, she actually remembers me and decided to give me a big, wet, sloppy kiss.
She loves me too laaaa deng.

Can't wait for you return baybehhhhh.
